Nature News - October 2020 - Report #04

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Nature News is an initiative by Amazing Nature Community
We present report No. 4 for the month of October

We work hard so that the news we present comes from serious and reliable sources: such as sections of newspapers and scientific research published in internationally recognized journals.

📢What's happening in the world?🌎

Unlike other news, here we are not going to focus on the human being, rather, on the nature that surrounds us.🐢🌺

We know how much you enjoy nature! That is why today we bring you the best news and information of interest to each of the Amazing Nature Community members. We hope you enjoy it!😄

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NASA: It's official! There is water on the Moon!🌜


Photo by: NASA

A newspaper article published on BBC News by Victoria Gill

Amazing! NASA confirmed this Monday that they detected the presence of water in several craters of the Earth's natural satellite, the Moon.

"Because it is still a discovery (in its infancy), we do not yet know if we can use it as a resource, but knowing that there is water on the Moon is key to our exploration plans," said Jim Bridenstine, the head of NASA.

The SOFIA observatory, an airborne infrared telescope, the largest of its kind in the world, was key to the findings on the illuminated surface of the Moon, much of the information is due to the work of SOFIA. The discoveries were published in two articles in the journal Nature Astronomy.


Photo by. NASA

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SOFIA's work: how was the water found?🔭

The first of these articles refers to the discovery made thanks to SOFIA.

SOFIA was on board a modified Boeing 747 plane, this plane flies above 99% of the Earth's atmosphere, so they can have the best view of the solar system, almost unobstructed.

This observatory has an infrared light that makes it bounce off the surface of the Moon, in this way, scientists can know what is near the telescope: the impressive thing was that the color they saw was identical to the characteristic color of the molecules of Water!

Maybe it is not water as we imagine it. Not in rivers or lakes, the researchers believe that the detected water is stored in lunar glass bubbles or between grains on the surface that protect it from the harsh environment.


Photo by: NASA

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The second part

In the second publication, the scientists looked for areas in permanent shade, known as cold traps, which are places where water is most likely permanently trapped.

The researchers found these cold traps at both poles and concluded that "approximately 40,000 square meters of the lunar surface has the ability to trap water."


Photo by: Mike Petrucci

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What does this mean to us?

"This gives us more options for possible sources of water on the Moon," Hannah Sargeant, a planetary scientist at the Open University in Milton Keynes, told BBC News.

"We are already working on ideas for a lunar base and where we are going to go. We were going to go to the moon anyway. But this gives us more options and makes it an even more exciting place to go. It is more promising." added.


Photo by NASA

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A future "lunar economy"?

Jacob Bleacher of NASA's Human Exploration Directorate said researchers had yet to understand the nature of the aqueous deposits. This would help them determine how accessible they would be to future lunar explorers.

Experts say the extraction of the water could lay the foundation for a future lunar economy.

"It would be much cheaper to produce rocket fuel on the Moon than to send it from Earth". Can you imagine living in a world where water on the Moon is an alternative to our scarcity of resources? It will be a matter of time to answer this question, for now, TAKE CARE OF THE WATER!


Photo by: Jordan Steranka

What do you think about this❓

Do you think there would be a negative impact on the Moon if we "commercialized" this water❓

Let us know in the comments💬...

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Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.

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