About my favorite maples - in autumn they are so different, yellow, purple and red


I have a few favorite trees. Among them, I adore maple for its beautiful carved leaves. There are many different types of maple trees planted in our city. They grow everywhere - in the courtyards of houses, along the sidewalks on the streets, in parks. In the fall, maples stand out for their beauty. Their leaves are bizarre, very beautiful. In autumn, they are golden, red and even purple. It is so beautiful especially in clear sunny weather.The less humidity in autumn, the brighter the colors on the maples.


Red maple leaves against a blue sky provide an amazing contrast. In early autumn, when there are still many green trees and shrubs, red maples next to them are especially magnificent.


But maples in a golden autumn dress also fit into the design of the park with dignity. These small trees with yellow foliage are called Globozum maple. See how these maples look spectacular in the park. They are especially good next to weeping willows.


If red and yellow maples attract with their catchy brightness, then another variety of Norway maple "Crimson King" in the fall attracts attention by the unusual color of the foliage.


From a distance, it seems that the leaves of this maple are dark purple. In fact, a maroon coloration emerged on the dark green foliage. This combination of colors from the outside looks amazing against the background of other plants.

Here you can see the leaves up close. It seems that there is nothing unusual about them, but what kind of ensemble this maple creates next to other trees and shrubs.

How successfully they planted red rowan and barberry bush next to "Crimson King". How perfectly they harmonize with each other - a lush maple crown, graceful branches of a long barberry with its no less graceful red leaves and berries. And next to it is a rowan tree covered with berries.


Maple Crimson King is unpretentious in cultivation. It tolerates both extreme heat and severe frosts well. It is convenient to plant such a maple in public places for decorative purposes, since its crown does not require pruning.


In our city, maples are renewed every year. I often see young maple seedlings. The photo above was taken in the spring. The leaves on it are fresh, delicate green.

Look what a thirst for life. The tree was felled, and nearby thin branches escaped from the ground. And how the leaves look beautiful on them, as if they had specially collected a bouquet. Look at us, we are so beautiful and we want to live.

And I saw this tree today. They planted it in the spring and it has taken root well and is now decorated with red leaves.

Look how tender this maple twig is. There is so much fragility in her, graces.

Thank you for admiring my favorite maples with me.

#nature #amazingnature #ecency #autumn #creativecoin #neoxian

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