Mama Getting Ready

Hi fellow Animal lovers,

The other day at one of the farms we have been going to often had some newcomers on the way!


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Mama Getting Ready

One of the things we have really enjoyed is spending a lot of time at local farms. We have been going to so many farms these past 2 years, we've really expanded ourselves and the things we enjoy to do. Siena and I have always enjoyed farms but we haven't spent nearly as much time as we have since our son was old enough to go outside for a decent amount of time. Since then we've discovered and explored well over two dozen farms!

The latest farm is one that we really enjoy and spend a lot of time there each week for a few reasons. They have really great staff and friendly people around plus lots of cool and interesting animals. This is the latest case of what we've seen! We were there the other day and we saw one of the rabbits had dug a hole in the ground in their pen. We had an idea that one of them was making a nest but we watched them for a bit longer and realized it was indeed a nest!


The rabbit was spending a lot of time collecting straw. We weren't sure what this was about; did it eat it? We quickly saw though that it wasn't eating it at all but collecting it to bring it down into her den for her nest!


She was making several trips down into the hole to get ready to have her little babies. It was a fun thing to watch and some of the other bunnies were interested but kept their distance. They sniffed the entrance but gave her the respect of not going too close to it so that she could finish her nest. It seems like the big brown one there, probably the dad, was interested in it and crawled down there later on to check it out.


The people who work at the farm were saying that it was quite interesting because they have had a few new litters pop up! The bunnies to mate like, well bunnies lol. If only we humans could do that sometimes! The owners weren't going to do anything to control them, they said it goes in cycles and they didn't have any births for a bit now they have had a big group of them in a relatively close span of time.


The best part of it all is that we are going to get to hold the baby bunnies in a couple weeks! We got to hold the other newborn ones once they were alive long enough so that was awesome. They are so small, fluffy and cute! Almost cute enough to adopt one, but not that cute lol. I want to have freedom from taking care of any animals for a while before I take on one. Perhaps after we move, whenever we can manage that, I'll be open to getting an animal of some sort. In the meantime, I can satisfy the urge by holding these little fluff balls and giving them back!

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