First Salamander!

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I got pulled right back to my childhood! We found a Salamander!


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First Salamander!

One of the really fun things is getting to show the little man new things when we are out doing types of exploring or other stuff. We were in an area that had some rotting wood and I happened to squish one of the pieces of wood that was rotting. Little did I know it had a treasure inside!

One of the little man's favorite things lately to do is go around and turning over rocks and all that. I decided to help him and the large tree chunk I was moving ended up just falling apart. Not surprising but what I found shocking was what was in the leftovers! I haven't seen or held a salamander for many years, since I was probably 12 or 13! We used to catch them all the time but I don't really remember what we did to do that lol


The little man has seen pictures and videos of people catching them but wasn't able to snag one himself until this. He was ecstatic! Thankfully he was very gentle with the thing and was playing around with it for a little while. I made sure he wasn't rough or anything though so that we didn't hurt the fragile thing.


It was a great time finding the critter. I don't usually pick up many things that crawl on the ground lol. I don't necessarily dislike them but I would prefer to just look at most things. Salamanders though I love to pick up! They are gentle and don't bite or anything so it's nice to find them.

What was your recent random find? I'd love to hear about it!

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