Pence Violated the 12th Amendment When Refused to Count All The Certificates

Pence did NOT open up all of the certificates which means he VIOLATED the 12th amendment.

Last week, congress violated the 12th amendment. That's the bad news. The good news is we can still pressure the U.S. government to do the right thing.

We only have a few hours left to do this. We should be calling up everyone we know.

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It seems that military refuses to save the United States from a Chinese Swamp Invasion. Trump is probably making the biggest mistake in his life and it will cost him his life.

Trump is failing us in a variety of ways partly because he is refusing to grow some balls. Trump is way too nice and way too patient.

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Pence Violated the 12th Amendment When Refused to Count All The Certificates - Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-12 - Tuesday | Published in January of 2021


Pence Violated the 12th Amendment When Refused to Count All The Certificates

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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The problem with being patient is the clock. I've been saying for years, Trump will run out of time if he keeps it up. I've been giving Trump constructive criticism for years. Patriots have been trying to hold Donald's feet to the fire.

But just because Trump is a little too girly, that doesn't mean we have to be soy boys ourselves. We should be talking to military and with representatives. We should reach out to senators and governors. We should reach out to people in local government and in state government.

Pence didn't open all of the certificates.

Snopes says fuck you, Americans, this article is totally invalid. Hope you enjoy your Chinese enslavement you dirty American scum bags of garlic.

Don't be violent. Don't join Qanon. Why? Because Qanon is a globalist ploy to trick you into becoming a rightist NPC. Instead of being a leftist NPC, you're a Q NPC. You could record and document the terrorism at Washington DC and at state capitols these next few days as we approach the seating of a fake president. But do so peacefully. Biden may even blow himself up, mark my words. They will try even harder to blame American patriots, conservatives, Proud Boys, Infowarriors, gun owners, and others. This is not an option.

Be peaceful. Do NOT be violent!

It should not be an option.

Don't be violent. How many times DO WE HAVE TO SAY IT? I will say it again and again if I have to like a retarded disclaimer. "DON'T BE VIOLENT." But they'll continue to say we did it. But we DID NOT DO the rushing and storming of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. That was Qtards alongside of bad cops, Antifa, and BLM on Jan6, and they pretended to be Trump supporters and are not MAGA at all.

Tell your friends that Qtards are NOT Trump supporters even if they say they are. The problem is they're mind-controlled and do NOT even know it. Like an SJW NPC, the Q followers are stuck in a psych-op. It's huge Britney Spears like MK-Ultra Borg shit. It's terrible. No soup for you. Hell, no oatmeal either for you.

We should stop sleeping for the next several days and send emails to everyone we know. It's do or die. If military refuses to do the right thing, then the only other option is for Congress to invoke the 12th amendment. We must pressure congress peacefully to do the right thing.

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