I have got an army of haters against me

If you are going to upvote someone, the least you could do to improve the network is EXPLAIN WHY.

For some reason I ended up on a trail of downvotes. They were in sequence so I doubt they manually took the time to think before downvoting, I even think they didn't even read the post before downvoting.


That would be reasonable if it were a political post, or a post regarding my opinions about blockchains (like suggestions for Hive). The post was a totally personal subject.


I was sharing about the Chinese lessons I am taking. I have been studying 2 hours of chinese with 1 on 1 teachers daily. Why would someone downvote something so personal like that?

I can only think of someone having a personal thing against me, or them being bots. Both things are terrible and makes me lose a little bit of faith on Hive every time it happens.


Would any of you at least have the dignity to come up and speak for yourself why the downvote? How do you expect to achieve anything if you don't explain it? A downvote without an explanation is meaningless.

If you have a good reason I want to hear your point.

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