Lyrical Scratchpad

This honestly isn’t really a post, I’m just pinning it in the Albus Index to use as a quickly accessible notepad for anything that might be useful for a song. Nothing in here is intended as a finished product or a work of art in and of itself; this is more like a scrap bin to be consolidated into an army of randos, to maybe be assembled into batallions of randos at a later date.

I used to do this with a notepad or a pocket recorder, but these days I’m busier and I thought this would be an effective way to keep a note always available to be updated or referenced.

Originally I was going to create the Lyrical Scratchpad community to host this sort of stuff, but for me I think I may just do one post that updates forever, and that doesn’t really deserve a community to itself. Anyway, this isn’t a post so I’m not saying anyrhing else.

Oh wait, one more thing. These lines and phrases are my original content. I don’t care if you use them. It would be nice though if youd reference/credit me and maybe make me a beneficiary if you do, but this isn’t a post, its just a place for me to drop my brainstorms or whatever so please, forgive me I’m just gonna stop talking and get to my thing here.


Back then yo I dunno but it was 9 o’clock

I used to be the type to [wanna] smoke a ounce and bounce. I was never at peace always lookin for the time to pounce.

I tell you on thing kid this is not good news; you better clean up your toys, and pick up your shoes.

I’m ten times the man I was as a boy
but still half the man I used to be.

Everyone else is somebody else, but nobody else is my Lucy

I been runnin and runnin, but it seems I ran myself down,
Tryin so hard to do nothin, turned out to be doin a lot.

Im lookin in to the energies moving around, _______ when i dont hear a sound

Simile Song

Tired as shit
Hungry as a mother fucker
Smellin’ like ass ‘n feelin’ like trash
Broke like a joke and stuck like a truck,
But happy as a clam when I dont give a fuck


1.  “As busy as a bee”
2.  “As cool as a cucumber”
3.  “As fast as lightning”
4.  “As blind as a bat”
5.  “As happy as a clam”
6.  “As smooth as silk”
7.  “As light as a feather”
8.  “As stubborn as a mule”
9.  “As clear as mud”
10. “As busy as a one-armed paperhanger”
11. “As quick as a wink”
12. “As sly as a fox”
13. “As thin as a rail”
14. “As old as the hills”
15. “As fit as a fiddle”
16. “As sharp as a tack”
17. “As busy as a cat on a hot tin roof”
18. “As poor as a church mouse”
19. “As brave as a lion”
20. “As light as a breeze”
21. “As nutty as a fruitcake”
22. “As slow as molasses”
23. “As strong as an ox”
24. “As proud as a peacock”
25. “As white as a ghost”
26. “As tight as a drum”
27. “As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs”
28. “As quiet as a mouse”
29. “As mad as a hornet”
30. “As happy as a lark”
31. “As easy as pie”
32. “As mad as a hatter”
33. “As stubborn as a mule in a hailstorm”
34. “As cute as a button”
35. “As hungry as a wolf”
36. “As plain as day”
37. “As black as coal”
38. “As red as a beet”
39. “As clear as a bell”
40. “As thin as paper”
41. “As dead as a doornail”
42. “As quick as a hiccup”
43. “As strong as a bull”
44. “As proud as a rooster”
45. “As wise as an owl”
46. “As slippery as an eel”
47. “As smooth as glass”
48. “As easy as falling off a log”
49. “As dry as a bone”
50. “As hot as hell”
51. “As cold as ice”
52. “As big as a house”
53. “As tall as a giraffe”
54. “As heavy as lead”
55. “As light as air”
56. “As rare as hen’s teeth”
57. “As quick as lightning”
58. “As busy as a bee in a bonnet”
59. “As snug as a bug in a rug”
60. “As sweet as honey”
61. “As gentle as a lamb”
62. “As busy as a one-armed paperhanger in a windstorm”
63. “As loud as a horn”
64. “As happy as a kid in a candy store”
65. “As blind as a mole”
66. “As cold as a well-digger’s rear end”
67. “As plain as the nose on your face”
68. “As hot as a pistol”
69. “As strong as a horse”
70. “As proud as a dog with two tails”
71. “As wise as Solomon”
72. “As quick as a cat”
73. “As busy as a flea in a doghouse”
74. “As snug as a bug in a thug”
75. “As sweet as sugar”
76. “As gentle as a dove”
77. “As busy as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest”
78. “As loud as a banshee”
79. “As happy as a clam at high water”
80. “As blind as a mole in a dark alley”
81. “As cold as a witch’s heart”
82. “As plain as day and night”
83. “As hot as a volcano”
84. “As strong as an elephant”
85. “As proud as a peacock with all its feathers”
86. “As wise as a fox”
87. “As quick as a flash”
88. “As busy as a beaver”
89. “As snug as a bug in a log”
90. “As sweet as pie”
91. “As gentle as a lamb’s kiss”
92. “As busy as a one-armed paperhanger with hives”
93. “As loud as thunder”
94. “As happy as a clam at high tide”
95. “As blind as a bat without radar”
96. “As cold as a polar bear’s nose”
97. “As plain as the light of day”
98. “As hot as the sun”
99. “As strong as a locomotive”
100.    “As proud as a peacock in mating season”
  1. Dead as a doornail, whatever that means…

And using “like”:

  1. “Like a fish out of water”
    1. “Like a moth to a flame”
    2. “Like a bull in a china shop”
    3. “Like a bat out of hell”
    4. “Like a kid in a candy store”
    5. “Like a needle in a haystack”
    6. “Like a deer in headlights”
    7. “Like a cat on a hot tin roof”
    8. “Like a chicken with its head cut off”
    9. “Like a fox in the henhouse”
    10. “Like a bull at a gate”
    11. “Like a horse to water”
    12. “Like a duck to water”
    13. “Like a bee to honey”
    14. “Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing”
    15. “Like a rolling stone”
    16. “Like a fine wine”
    17. “Like a fish in the sea”
    18. “Like a broken record”
    19. “Like a bird in the hand”
    20. “Like a moth to the flame”
    21. “Like a dog with a bone”
    22. “Like a cat with a mouse”
    23. “Like a bull on steroids”
    24. “Like a bat out of hell”
    25. “Like a kid on Christmas morning”
    26. “Like a needle in a pile of haystacks”
    27. “Like a deer caught in headlights”
    28. “Like a fish in a barrel”
    29. “Like a pig in mud”
    30. “Like a fox guarding the henhouse”
    31. “Like a bull in a china closet”
    32. “Like a horse with blinders on”
    33. “Like a duck takes to water”
    34. “Like a bee to a blossom”
    35. “Like a wolf on the prowl”
    36. “Like a rolling stone gathers no moss”
    37. “Like a fine wine that gets better with age”
    38. “Like a fish out of its element”
    39. “Like a broken record that keeps repeating”
    40. “Like a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”
    41. “Like a moth to a porch light”
    42. “Like a dog chasing its tail”
    43. “Like a cat with a canary”
    44. “Like a bull in a china shop”
    45. “Like a bat out of the belfry”
    46. “Like a kid in a candy factory”
    47. “Like a needle in a stack of needles”
    48. “Like a deer on the run”
    49. “Like a fish swimming upstream”
    50. “Like a pig in a poke”
    51. “Like a fox in a hen coop”
    52. “Like a horse that can’t be led to water”
    53. “Like a duck out of water”
    54. “Like a bee drawn to honey”
    55. “Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing”
    56. “Like a rolling stone that gathers momentum”
    57. “Like a fine wine that improves over time”
    58. “Like a fish in unfamiliar waters”
    59. “Like a broken record that won’t stop playing”
    60. “Like a bird that’s worth two in the bush”
    61. “Like a moth to a porch light at night”
    62. “Like a dog that’s chasing its own tail”
    63. “Like a cat that’s got the cream”
    64. “Like a bull in a china shop”
    65. “Like a bat out of the cave”
    66. “Like a kid with a new toy”
    67. “Like a needle in a haystack”
    68. “Like a deer caught in the headlights”
    69. “Like a fish in a small pond”
    70. “Like a pig in a puddle”
    71. “Like a fox in the henhouse”
    72. “Like a horse with blinders”
    73. “Like a duck to water”
    74. “Like a bee to a flower”
    75. “Like a wolf on the hunt”
    76. “Like a rolling stone that never gathers moss”
    77. “Like a fine wine that’s aged to perfection”
    78. “Like a fish in strange waters”
    79. “Like a broken record that keeps skipping”
    80. “Like a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush”
    81. “Like a moth to a flame in the darkness”
    82. “Like a dog chasing its own tail in circles”
    83. “Like a cat that’s eaten the canary”
    84. “Like a bull in a china shop”
    85. “Like a bat out of the night”
    86. “Like a kid in a candy aisle”
    87. “Like finding a needle in a haystack”
    88. “Like a deer in the headlights”
    89. “Like a fish out of familiar waters”
    90. “Like a pig in a wallow”
    91. “Like a fox among the hens”
    92. “Like a horse that won’t drink”
    93. “Like a duck to a pond”
    94. “Like a bee to nectar”
    95. “Like a wolf on the prowl at night”
    96. “Like a rolling stone that gathers speed”
    97. “Like a fine wine that’s aged gracefully”
    98. “Like a fish out of water in a new environment”
    99. “Like a broken record that repeats endlessly”
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