We live in the world of experience, not in the world of brain events. I've never seen my brain. All I know is that morning to night I'm living amid sound and light, touch and language thought and action. This is my world and much of it is not explicable scientifically.

Science cannot also explain the Existence of each of us as a unique self, nor can it answer such fundamental questions as:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
How did I come to be at a certain place and time?
What happens after death?
These are mysteries that are beyond science.
When you see the sky full of stars, do you feel dance in your heart? Do you see a song arising in your being? Do you feel a communion with the stars?

Do you think that science can explain the howling of the wolves, dogs barking at the moon? This is a love affair with Existence, which only your heart can understand and has nothing to do with science.

The urge to create a bridge is the first stirring of the Divine within you. The urge to create this bond is the presence of God. You have the first message, the first ripple has reached you. It is the beginning and the birth of love for God.

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