Grain Run, Excavating The Farm, Shoveling, Batch 78 Started - Sunday

I didn't get into town until a bit later yesterday morning. I was hoping the plows would have a bit more chance to get the roads cleared after the heap of snow we got. When I got to the Steam Plant the moon was glowing brightly right next to the stacks and made for some cool shots.


There were three barrels of grain and I decided it was best to load all three into the bed of the truck rather than on the trailer. Trying to get through the yard with a weighted trailer would be pretty much impossible at this point. So with the barrels in the truck and an empty trailer I headed for home.


I was rather happy that I did load the barrels into the truck since I was able to drop the trailer easily then park the truck until it was after 9am. @stryeyz did a lot of shoveling during the day and I helped her dig the path to the sheep pen. I was able to get the truck slogged in and 2 1/2 of the barrels got dumped. There are a bunch of fir branches littering the ground that came down in the snow. The sheep have been nibbling on them since they can't get to the tree up the hill.


We had to dig out a big area to get the gate opened and room for the truck to back in. My body was fairly well destroyed after getting the grain emptied as I have moved untold tons of snow by hand. The part for the snowblower will be here on Wednesday so I will hopefully be able to get it up and running then.


The half barrel I had to slide into the birds and dump for them by their feeder. There are only a few chickens that are venturing into the sheep pen for the piles of grain so I have to bring it to them.


As the day went on my body just wouldn't let me work and both the boys were showing signs of some ick coming on. R held the couch down for the whole day and J followed him after noon.

@stryeyz had cut the turkey breast up and had it on the trays outside. It was afternoon when we got the batch going. This morning it is already about 3/4 done.


I am again unable to make it past an hour before my skin goes batshit on me.


Both boys are home from school today so they can work on getting better, my skin is fighting me already this morning, I want to get up on top of the property to see how much tree damage there is but will likely need the snowshoes to make it up there, and should probably try to get the fence fixed on the hill where the tree tip hit it when it fell.

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