The Most Relevant People Of Our Time!

Each week the @ecotrain always posts really great questions, ones that usually have me pondering on an answer for quite a while. They are always juicy ones too and I love that the answers that are posts really represent how wonderfully diverse this platform is!

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When I first read this question, the answer came to me straight away, well one answer anyway. The most relevant people right now, are us, you and me. We are the ones that hold as much potential as anyone else and searching for others who we believe are more influential and powerful, in the end takes us away from our own power!

With everything that is happening right now, we really need to be stepping into that power, to start using our voices, to reconnect with ourselves. Because things will really start to change, when we first make the changes within ourselves.

We need to acknowledge, how the act of taking responsibility for our lives, will impact the world. To stop looking to others to fix things, to make them right! To move away from this movement were we idolize others, placing them on pedestals.

We need to focus on empowering ourselves, empowering one another!

In saying all of this, there are a few people whom I really appreciate, as they have been instrumental in helping me shape my life and in continuing to find the truth. I have always been a truth seeker, it is a part of who I am and my writing on here, is my way of sharing my truth!


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Vandana Shiva

I was lucky enough to attend a seed saving conference in France a few years ago and Vandana Shiva was talking at it. She is passionate about the environment and the protection of the earth and seeds. She founded the Navdanya, which is an Earth centric, woman centric and farmer led organization that promotes biodiversiity, organic farming, seed saving and land conservation. She is so inspiring and has been very vocal about the need to protect the earth and also to protect the truth! She is a true activist and a leader in the Slow food movement as well.


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Dolores Cahill

Dolores Cahill, is a Immunologist, Molecular Biologist, Freedom Fighter and Truth Seeker. She has been very out spoken about the Plandemic and she has co founded the World Freedom Alliance and is currently working on Freedom Airway, to help people travel without the need to be tested and vaccinated. She has spoken all over the world about this scamdemic and has receive various death threats as a result. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience on immunity and how our bodies work. She is someone that the world needs to be listening to.

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Derrick Broze

I have been following @dbroze for a few years and first came across him via the Conscious Resistance which he founded. I really appreciate how he has always put himself out there in search of the truth and has provided some wonderful articles which always promote us to think for ourselves. He also created the Freedom Cell Network, where you can connect with other folk who wish to step out of the system and create alternative infrastructure. He has also set up theGreater Reset , an alternative to what our centralized governments wish to impose on us.


My life is so enriched by so many amazing people, people in my tribe, in my community, people on here. I am forever grateful to those who speak their truth and who share their wisdom and knowledge with others,because this is how we empower one another. This is how we step into the light and this is what is so relevant right now!




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