Creating Positive Changes In My Life, In The World - EcoTrain Question Of The Week

The most powerful and transformational changes that have happened in my life, have all been a result of listening to my inner voice and following my heart. I spend my late teens and early twenties training in Mental Health.It was a career that I chose out of pressure. When you attend mainstream school, it is expected that you know what you want to do, by the time you finish.


Nothing could be more further from the truth, the majority of people that I met in my twenties and thirties, where still try to discover what they wanted to invest their time and energy in. Back when I was a teenager, most of us where encouraged to work in the health or technology industry. These were deemed the most rewarding, but for who exactly?

How unrealistic it is to think that people need to follow one vocation, when in actual fact the more we get to experience the more we flourish and come closer to identifying the area that we may wish to create in.

I really believe that whatever job, or profession that we choose, that it should be something, where we get to express and explore our creativity. So that we never forget that we are creators, so that we get to tap into our creative power and let it extend to all areas of our lives.

So many take on jobs that hold them back, that squashes their creative fire and leaves them feeling unfulfilled. Life really is about doing the things that you love, that does not mean that it will not be hard and that you will never face any struggles. But you will reap the rewards along the way and whilst you are fulfilling your dreams, you are spreading such a positive energy along the way.

What that may be, well only you can decide that.


After spending almost 10 years in Mental health, I left my job and moved abroad. Traveling was always in my blood as I would go away for a few months each year. But this time, I left for warmer waters, where I really got to explore more of my activist roots. Getting involved in Aboriginal rights in Australia. This really opened my eyes, even more, to the injustices in the world.

It fueled the fire within, that was calling desperately for change. Something that I have carried for quite a while now. But each experience, helped to keep my passion lite. It also introduced me to some of the most amazing people, and allowed me to learn, about the true history of Australia. Opening my eyes to the truth, once again.

Then I became pregnant and choose to return to Ireland to birth my baby earthside. I knew that I did not want to have a hospital birth, so I met with a community midwife, who could support me at home. I didn't get the homebirth that I so badly wanted, but I did get, was an experience that once again fueled my fire for change, this time around birth rights.


Birth itself and becoming a mother, have led to such powerful changes in my life. Choosing to trust my child and let them take the led in their education, has really shown me how powerful we really are, how much potential e have, when we are allow to choose for ourselves and discover our own truth.

Following my heart and stepping out of the system, has really empowered me. Living life on the road for a while, exploring so many amazing places and meeting so many amazing people. Making that decision to take responsibility for my own health, for my own wealth ( and I am not talking about money here!), has enriched my life so much. I am aware of the resources that I need in order to thrive in life and I really like to use only what I need.

Water from the springs to re-hydrate my body, food and medicine from my garden to nourish and heal my body. Living within a creative community, where we are well aware of the need for us humans to come together and celebrate, what it means to be alive!

Playing, sharing, learning and creating together! The perfect recipe for our well being!


Talking about well being, my decision to stop consuming meat in my teens, has had such a wonderful impact on my life. It was really the right thing for me to do. I am a lover of all living things and I could not live with myself, if I was to cause undue suffering onto another. Plus my body receives all that it needs from the food that I eat.

I make conscious decisions about everything that I consume, abut every product that enters my home, making sure it harms no living thing. All of this has deepen my relationship with the earth and with myself. Living this way, has allowed me to connect with my authentic self and put me on the path, to becoming who I am meant to be!

There is one other thing, that I have not discussed yet. Something that has also really deepen my connection with the earth, myself and my community and that is celebrating our rites of passage and the seasons. Creating ceremonies that empower us and that help us to live more in harmony with the earth.


Having a community around you, that comes together to celebrate and honor each
transition within your life, is so empowering. A few years ago, I began to hold ceremonies, that hour our passage through life and our relationship with the earth. Reminding us of how powerful our connection, is to source, to one another, to self. All of the things that I have written about, are the things that I am passionate about. They are the things that have made me into who I am today and which continue to inspire me to create change in the world. Which I am actively doing within the collective that I am a part of!




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