Are you in your comfort zone?

Life is full of opportunities to grow, expand your horizons, learn more things and earn more income, but grabbing hold of them can be difficult while we enjoy our comfort zone.

Sometimes the issue is a lack of awareness of reasons to do so. If the feeling of comfort signifies our most basic needs are being met, why should we seek to abandon it and move forward with other things that are new and unexplored?

It is the frame of mind rather than any lack of knowledge that restricts us from stepping out of our comfort zone exploring more opportunities.

What exactly is the Comfort zone?

It's basically a state of mind in which we perform in an anxiety-free manner, with a predictable set of inputs and outputs, thus giving a steady level of performance, without any risks involved.

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What exactly is the issue with the Comfort zone?

Staying in a comfort zone doesn't cause any mental or health issues, it is perfectly healthy to stay there. But it limits our capabilities and thought processes; it restricts us from doing things that we can do better and that can make us achieve more in life.

There are several opportunities outside our workspace. Our current environment is a comfort zone for us. In order to avail new opportunities, we have to step outside of our comfort zone, meaning a different place to work at, new people, new timings, new culture, more risks, less initial rewards, more challenges, some stress, some anxiety.

All of this sounds terrifying, right? Yes, it is. There is no denying to the fact that stepping out of comfort zone is not easy. It comes with a hell lot of risks and issues. But what is life without challenges? If you stay in you comfort zone forever, you will not be able to explore the world, which could be a better place to live.

Quit Comfort zone to step into Growth zone

Doing the same thing forever makes our life not only monotonous but also restricts our growth. No new learnings, no knowledge growth. When you step outside your comfort zone, it will be challenging initially. You will face the FEAR ZONE. Every step will be dreadful and scary but you will get used to it with time. And then, you start to learn and you step into LEARNING ZONE. Here is where you drift towards new opportunities and knowledge gain. And once you are done, you apply this knowledge and new learnings to enter the GROWTH ZONE and there is no looking back from there. You have left your comfort zone far behind yourself.

Leaving the comfort zone is not only beneficial to you monetarily but it helps you understand yourself more, who you are and what you want; what you are better at. And you might get a new perspective altogether. It's fun!

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Just make that jump, it's scary but it's totally worth it!

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