Hello Hive.



Wouldn't I be the happiest woman on earth to have come across such a topic where I can express myself about how lucky I have been all my life to see, be and testify to the miracle of my existence.

This is one of the moat crucial moment in my life that am in desperate need of more miracles even after testifying to how my everyday living is a mystery.

In fact am just in chapter 5 of this particular book by one of the great author and minister of miracles services, I was in search for the meaning of miracles and more knowledge of it since I love been practical about life and maybe getting to know more about others experience will shed more light to what I already know.


Miracles can be if you want to think of it from a lay mans view. It has no substance and all evidence to define how it happens often surpass human understanding.

And I also got this simple and striking definition here that "miracles are extraordinary event that defies natural or scientific explanation".

Once and in several occasion I have seem miracles happen and people try to understand how possible it is for a broken bone to heal instantly under the influence of something we cannot see.
It takes faith to believe in Miracles as i have now learnt that faith in God is simultaneous to the faith we have in his miracles.
I do believe in miracles only because I believe in God and I also believe that he has the power to perform this miracles.

With an interesting story of how I live daily by miracles am sorry to divert you attention to this key note.

I believe that miracles should be or might have been classified but I tend to have these in my own class with all due respect to the existing knowledge.
My own category of miracles comes in these two format.

  • Uncommon miracle
  • Common or everyday miracle.

This is how I view miracle and which ever one that takes place either a physical or emotional miracle(healing) they can come under these categories.

  • Uncommon miracles are those miraculous events that i believe do not happen everyday, the wonders of God are limitless and he can decide to do something we have not seen before. We have seen him raise even the dead, but there is just something God can do that we Havnt seen before and when such happens we stand in awe and say that behold he has indeed done a new thing.
  • Common miracles are every where around us. The miracles is living and breathing. Science can try to explain my body metabolism and how the air I breath gets into my system and gives me energy but sciwnce can never explain how the author of life gives us daily breath and the moments he decided to take it away, no one can stop him.
    I have had first hand experience of a labour room birth and an ICU death of my loved ones and other people and writing this was a bit emotional for me.

Life is indeed an everyday miracle not just when I am healed of a disease or not.



My experience of miracles.

This list is endless, and I can testify that God loves me and is keeping me alive by a miracle and not a single power of my own.

Thank God for the help of scientific knowledge which has also been bestowed on us by the creator as well but nevertheless the help of science wouldn't have brought me this far.

Living with a blood disorder all my life has gripped me with constant fear of death.
In times past sickle cell has been a death sentence in Africa and most people don't live to pass the age 9
of 25.
I have lost 3 siblings and s cousin to this illness.

But I refuse to die and just maybe God backed my silent prayers and kept me alive till this day.

On several occasions I had near death experience 😥😥😭 and I often wished I had died just to ease the pain from the complications of my illness but am still alive.

I once died.


Photo by klaus-nielsen from pexels

Did I say once? Maybe not once but this one holds the greater memory for me.

This is a memory I can never forget in a hurry it was on the 5th Oct 2016 I was recovering from an episode of my normal crisis and by this time the pains have subsided and I was sleeping in peace.

It wasn't a sleep paralysis I was certain.
I heard my name from the grave and woke up(I thought I did but it was my spirit leaving my body) I walked in the other world few steps and saw several other opened grave with no occupants, the scene was scary, the blowing wind felt different and I heard voices, several old people talking asking me to walk further and come over.

I kept wondering why what I could be doing there when I have an unfulfilled destiny on earth.
Then the struggle began, it was difficult for my spirit to come together with my body, I fought hard and half an hour passed, I was dead and struggled to wake up.

My elder sis beside me on the bed had no idea of what happened but by the time I was awake and shivering I was surrounded by my parents and everyone who claimed I woke them up with screaming.

Am alive and how this happened i cannot explain.

Yet another miracle of life.

I once know of a drunkard who was beating to stupor by armed rubbers on his way back from drinking a certain night. His head was broken from the hard knock of an iron belt and bleed from his head.
After sometime in the hospital he died.


His family wept and left his body to be prepared for the mortuary.
His sister would never stopped praying for God to restore his life and after about two hours of praying the miracle happened.

His wife and children cried out their eyes and even had neighbors sympathize with them that night, but while sleeping about 2am that night, there was a cry and the dead man refused to stay in the hospital after coming back to life.

His voice was heard over a knock on the door at 2am and everyone took to their heels, abandoning the whole house.

It took a while for everyone to come together and recognize that the dead was brought to life through a miracle.

That dead man was my father

That was my first experience of a miracle.
Ever since that day he gave up smoking and drinking .

Did I bother you so much about death stories, I apologize but these are real and am not sure anyone one knows of this story except my family members and our close neighbors then in sokoto state Nigeria and the hospital he was admitted.

Well am not sharing these to convince anyone of the existence of miracle but I am a living witness.

And have a thousand and one other experience of health and divine provision.

  • No ones knows I survived a lab accident
  • No one knows I live with a damaged liver, I don't know either how that organ is fairing ever since it expanded and had critical issues

I can explain how I live and thrive daily if it hasn't been a miracle.

Thank you for that much patience to stay glued till the end of this, just wasn't sure how I can curtail this.

Thank You all.

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