EarthBag Eco-Dome, Electrical Installation and the Bagging Begins! Days 3 and 4

What a week! Shoulders sore, backs ache but real progress has been made - our new team is getting the hang of the rhythm of the work, and each day is an opportunity to learn more lessons about this distinct type of natural building technique.

Earthbag construction is promoted by CalEarth and its founder Nader Khalili.


The first bit of update was on Wednesday our friend the electrician gave us a visit, and installed a series of double outlets, a box for a light bulb and a switch by the entrance. We also installed an external outlet, though we still need to buy the box for exteriors, and the little plastic door to protect from rain.

After a bit of testing, we got the electricity up and running in the dome, and no longer need to run an extension cord from the house to operate the saw or the mixer machine.


The first ring was a little tricky, as we had to bag between the mezzanine floor joists. This took a little extra time, but allowed us to get started slowly with the crew and practice making the mix, making the bags, plus filling, placing and pounding them into shape.

All of these jobs are now much much easier to accomplish standing on the floor joists. We have also purchased a new set of aluminum ladders, as the walls have gotten quite high now from the exterior.


Believe it or not, after 5 years we are still using the original subsoil that was extracted to make the base and basement of the dome. One thing that has worried me over the years is the running out of soil, as the material does slowly get contaminated over time. So far, we still have quite a bit, and the areas abandoned to subsoil storage are starting to open up before our eyes.

Later, we will get the privilege to plant these areas as gardens and agro-forestry areas of production and habitat for wildlife.


Already around the dome area, our efforts over the years are becoming clear. Fruit trees such as guava and mandarin orange, our largest Suriname cherry tree that is now taller than I am, a beautiful avocado close by in the back, plus plenty of hibiscus, iris and other flowery shrubs have already been advancing their growth over the years of stagnant dome progress. The plants never stopped!

As we clear out the paths, scrape and claw back old earth, our design of 7 years is coming into focus, into view in front of our eyes.


After 4 days of hard work, its time to take a bit of a break. Friday I will need to head into town for some more wire, and more wire mesh. In our neighborhood some are taking Friday to help fix the road again, motivated by our progress last week, so I will likely sponsor a worker there as well, instead of bringing them here to continue on the dome.

Hopefully over the weekend we can rest up, catch up on the backlog of office work, get re-supplied, and come back on Monday motivated and animated to continue with the EcoDome Project!


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