I have left discord.. Here's why and how to reach me...

Hey everyone! I just wanted to post that as of today i have left all the discord groups except ecoTrain. I will also be removing that group very soon and will have no presence on the discord platform. There are a bunch or reasons why, but before i get into it i would like to share how to contact me if you would like to!


(no hyphen as they aren't valid on telegram)


You can comment or message me on the messaging system on peakd.




Ok so im not going to going into this too much as im sure most of you can probably already guess why im doing this. Nevertheless here are the main points.

1. It's centralised!
As every day passes I become more passionate about supporting decentralised systems.. When i see what has happened to Facebook, Twitter etc I am quite shocked.. and it takes quite a lot to shock me. Whilst i tend not to be too extreme about my decisions, there are some that I am resolute on.. and Discord is one example. I realise that Telegram is also centralised but at least it is a system that is known for its privacy etc. I really want to support new and better ways to communicate.. and to be honest i don’t even really know of one yet.. but one day MAYBE we'll have one!

2. Time and respect!
Keeping up with the various groups on Discord has taken a lot of my time up over the past few years. If i am really honest, i don’t really connect with most of the people who use it, and i also find that the very few useful conversations I have could really be done elsewhere or privately.. and would mean spending many many hours less time reading posts and comments that are not really relevant to me.. but since i see them i end up reading them all! I do have a HUGE amount of things on my plate right now with the ecoVillages project, setting up the land and preparing for the first Earthship build.

A few months ago i was curating for OCD using discord. I spent SO MUCH time doing that, It was a joy of course to help send such great up-votes to others.. In the end @acidyo removed me from being a curator, via a post that i spotted after someone told me about it. There was no message to me directly. There was no respect or anything shown to me for the amount of time i had put in.. Nor was there even a clear reason given why it had happened.. I felt that was not cool, and that made me feel pretty upset and unvalued.. I don't mind being removed but i would have appreciated some kind of personal message after the endless hours i spent curating for them. This is a theme i have with many others too, who use discord as a tool to help their cause, but i don’t feel the exchange is there..

Therefore im happy to really put discord down and free up more time for me to engage with people ON the blockchain and on Hive.

3. Scams and Spams and security
I’ve also had quite a lot of scammy messages from random people who are clearly scammers. Whilst i never click on these links, i don’t feel comfortable with it and do wonder about potential security flaws and holes in discord. Perhaps some of you heard about the whatssap malware that allowed people access to your entire phone if a scammer just calls you and you don’t even pick up!

4. Going back on the innernet
Finally, i think its fair to say that most of the people with whom i used to connect with on Hive, except for a few wonderful folk, have moved on or else no longer really connect with me. It came to my attention some months ago that several people had been spreading quite weird and even untrue rumours about me to others. This gossip has had the effect of making me feel quite misunderstood, and a bit sad too really.. I put SO much into Steem and Hive only to really end up being cast aside / judged or otherwise misrepresented by many people. IM not really one for chit chat as my of you know, so removing myself from this arena means i don’t have to be a part of this whole game.

SO! I hope that makes sense.. and please do feel free to get in touch if you need or desire on the above channels..

Wishing you all a beautiful weekend.. and see you on the innernet!

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