EcoTrain QOTW S7-#5: The Most Amazing Act Of Kindness Someone Has Ever Done for Me


Act of Kindness is something someone does to you with no ulterior motive of getting something back for his/her Kindness and I have experienced such Kindness twice in my life. One of them is the fact that one of my College Professors literally took me to his house so that he can give me more time to teach me more stuff. I stayed at my Professors' House ate for Free stayed for Free and he taught me for Free as well. He was as selfless as it came and never did he expect anything in return from me. I have talked about this in past and how badly I want to revisit my Professor and thank him from the bottom of my heart.

The other Act of Kindness that I received is when I received food from a stranger for an entire week when I had nothing to eat. Yeah, that shit really happened to me. I was in the Second Year of my College when one month we had back-to-back Project Submissions which costs money for us to build and research. So that month I was running very low on money so I had to ask for some extra money from my parents and even though they interrogated me as to why I needed the extra funds they gave me the Money. Everything looked good but things turned out different when the Hotel I used to eat my Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner closed due to renovation. Being a College Student had some perks like eating in Hotels for Free the entire month and pay after the month has ended that way we did not have to worry about Food Costs and it was pretty convenient for us as well. But now I was put in a situation where I had to either cancel my Project or eat minimum food for a week. There was also a possibility to ask for more money from my parents but College is tough and I knew my parents already spent the majority of their Income on me so I just couldn't ask for more money.

I cannot explain how scared I was at that point in time when I was in fear that I cannot eat properly for 7 days. I survived on Puffed Rice and Pakoras for a couple of days and it seems someone saw that and approached me as to why I was doing that. Even though I was really shy I explained my situation to him and without even a second thought he asked me to eat at his house for the next week. My first thought was a sigh of relief but immediately I had some doubts as I did not know anything about the guy who was offering me food. I asked around a lot about the guy that was helping me and it seems he was a nice guy overall.

This was the second time someone offered me Kindness where he expected nothing in return from me.


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