RE: Hit-And-Run

Consider we're producing enough food to feed 12 billion people right now. Consider that elevating societies to the level of our modern western world reduces birth rates significantly. Consider that scientists are proven wrong 99 percent of the time, "proven" being the important word here. Science, my friend, is the art of being wrong most of the time. Certainties do not exist in science, that's why the highest degree of probability achieved among scientists is the level of becoming a "theory." Relativity is a theory, evolution is a theory and they will never ever become certainties because science leaves open the possibility that we learn more. Only religions deal in absolute certainties, as do most conspiracy theorists. Consider all that and we have an answer we can work with, do we not? We don't need to control our numbers, we need to spread wealth. We don't need to dismiss science when mistakes are made; it's what science is built on because mistakes have to be made to come to truth. Living in balance with the planet is the goal, so we need to stop making growth and profits the goal. Concentrate on human needs is all we have to do really. And lastly, it's healthy to not trust "the mainstream" haphazardly, what's not healthy is to dismiss mainstream info just because it's mainstream info.

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