Tools Of Transformation and The Power Of Truth!


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You were meant to come here today!

She said those words to me, as she held both my hands in hers and looked me straight in the eye. I can't remember, the last time I felt so comfortable holding eye contact with someone for this long. Minutes earlier, we were sitting in a circle with two other women, all of us holding hands.

We had all come to this space, to learn more about what was happening in the world and find out what we could do to help us navigate our way through it. We had been given information that was at times really hard to digest. Things that not many people would have been able to handle.

Certain truth's that really show the darkness that is within our world. The day began gently, with some meditation and lots of time to mingle and interact with everyone else that came to this event. We all knew that the events that were unfolding in the world, had been arranged for quite some time and that we were united in most of our beliefs.

We then had a talk about health and having the ability to recognize what ill health represents. From there it moved on to talk about the legal aspects of what is happening and how the government is most likely falling apart. What is there to do, when all of this has been premeditated for so long. To just sit back and enjoy the ride?

After some food and time to process, we then heard from someone who has some Intel into how certain events are unfolding. Who could shine some light on the many tunnels that run throughout each country and what they are being used for.

Why is it that over 100,000 children go missing every year in the U.K and we hardly hear anything about it? Or 250,000 in Europe, that is 1 child every 2 minutes, these are of course the ones that are reported missing. Why is it, that this is not seen as a pandemic?

We were informed of things, that I found so disturbing, such unspeakable things, and yet they need to come to light, but not in this post, that is for another day. For we are focusing on too much darkness at the moment, and now, now we need to focus on the light.

Amongst all that talk, was the reminder to always process whatever information you receive and take it within, where you can decide whether or not it resonates with you. To trust your intuition when it comes to what you wish to believe.

The last person who spoke to us, was someone whom I was very excited to listen to. I knew only that this person was going to talk about Antarctica. I have always believed, that there is so much happening within this world that we have no idea about. That things, are sometimes not what they seem. So much of life is a mystery and I am okay with that. But I was curious to hear about what is happening in Antarctica.

We heard of a portal and how we certainly have no idea about how the world really is. Of how there are those who have access to technology, that comes from beings, other than ourselves and how through that technology there has been advancements made, that are not within our best interests.

I listened, fascinated as it tiny explosions were going off within my brain. And then came the time for the predictions, of what is yet to come. This was the bad news, that prior to telling us the speaker asked if we wished to learn the full truth or watered down truth. We all wanted the full truth. The truth. that the speaker had, that is.

And it did not disappoint, there will be much devastation and a continuation of this war on humankind and the environment. This was the prediction from someone who is very much coming from a patriarchal society. It was very overwhelming and I began to feel fear creep in, as I tried to comprehend what was being said.

But before that fear was able to form a grip. The narrative changed and suddenly we were being presented with this tool that had been gifted from other beings. A tool to help bring light into the darkness. And did we wish to see it?

Of course we did, who wouldn't. And then this spear appeared. The tip made form obsidian and the base from cactus skeleton, embedded with numerous crystals. It had been gifted to the speaker by an Mexican tribal leader during a 5 day ceremony which was attended by hundred's of elders and healers. The speaker was a drummer within the ceremony and was as surprised as everyone else when it was gifted to him.

And here, that person now was, in our presence offering to show us how it could be used. He needed some volunteers, people who were sensitive to energy. I volunteered, it felt like the right thing to do and so I stood in the front with 7 others. The speaker chose the first person to stand next to him and hold the spear tip to her heart. Then another person was called up to hug her and then another and then me. All of us hugging the person who was holding the spear to their heart.

After a few minutes we would told to lower into a sitting position, and to release from the hug after 10 seconds. We did and the spear was removed, and then all 4 of us women who were called up, held hands. We each looked at one another, really seeing one another and then we closed our eyes.

I was aware that I was still in my body, yet I felt no part of it. Instead I felt such a strong force of energy, flow between us. I felt myself as pure energy! There was no connection to anything else. When I did open my eyes, it was to the women who had been holding the spear tip to her heart. We really saw one another and although I felt the energy between us all, the force between us was so much stronger.

After, when we each had reconnected to our bodies and had some time to process it all. I approached that same woman, and that is where this post began, with my hands in hers. I listened to her, as she told me that we both come to this event with our energy levels depleted, because we give to much of ourselves.

As we held hands, I once again could feel the energy pass between us. "You can feel that", she said, "how strong your energy now is?"
"You must learn how to channel the energy you give instead of depleting your own! "

I told her nothing of my illness or the last few years of my life. But she told me, how we needed to restore our energy so that we would be prepared for what is coming. We exchanged numbers and she asked if I could return the following day, but this was to be only a one day event for me. But we would meet again in the future I am sure of that.

I felt so awake, my energy restored, I felt reborn!

I had no idea what to expect when I attended this event, I knew only that i wanted to hear what was going to be discussed and so it was that I attended. But I left with much insight, and much hope. Yes we are experiencing the birth of a new world. At this moment we are in the beginning, the contractions are just beginning and we have a while yet to go.

But we hold the power to create, when we come together that power magnifies and we need to learn how to channel that power and rise our vibration as we prepare to be reborn with the new world!


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