Vote Nobody (Ideally)

Not vote?! What?! That's crazy! You have to vote! That's one of the privileges of living in a democracy!

That's what some may think. And even, that voting is a responsibility or duty to keep democracy or freedom alive, or something along those lines. Well look around with eyes wide open, and you will see what you lifetime of voting has resulted in.

The same shit keeps going on in your name. Your taxes pay for the government, no matter what Party wins, to use it to fund the war machine. Money gets sent to support corrupt institutions and ways of life. And all you get to do is vote someone else who will just do things slightly differently.

Gotta pick the lesser of two evils, right? In a sense, yes, it's better to have someone that's less bad than someone who is more bad. If you don't want someone to win who you view has some particular plan that you don't like, then you want to vote for the other person. But overall, the war machine to murder people in foreign lands continues as resources are stolen from them for "foreign policy" and "national security".

Even if you point out the problems with government, or the whole political charade, you will often hear:

You can't complain about problem X, Y or Z, you didn't vote!
You can't complain about the government, you didn't vote!
Only people who vote have the right to complain, you didn't get involved!

Yes, simpletons, that's right, the one who didn't vote for slavery can't complain about the slavery they have been subjugated into because of those who choose to vote and keep slavery alive. Right. That totally makes sense.

That's what it comes down to. Some people see past the political game and going around in circles, and want it to end. Others, in their fear, can't imagine any other way for things to be, and want to keep the slavery of government going because that's all they can see as a possibility for a way of life. Anything else would be worse, so gotta keep the slavery alive because it's "safer".

With respect to Trump vs. Biden, they both suck, but the latter does indeed suck a lot more than the former with respect to supporting the massive scamdemic deception. Enjoy the greater slavery and loss of freedoms if you get Biden. State-dictated masks and lockdowns for 2 or more years are still around either way as long as people keep voting in those who support that unreal anti-science agenda. But Biden will go around trying to get mayors to impose masks if governors don't mandate it.

Well, enjoy the show. If no one votes, no one wins to rule any of us. But that takes a majority to defy the clown show, and most people still buy into the deception to keep government slavery alive. There are more arguments about voluntaryism and non-aggression, look into them if you really want to be free.

I don't live in the US, but I've also never voted. Live free.

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