Sound transmission

Gif_Transmisión del sonido.gif

First of all, my respectful greetings to the entire academic community of, we continue to expand the knowledge related to the essential phenomenon of sound, where we have been related to the reflection, absorption and this time we will do it with the transmission of this phenomenon.


Every human being could express how valuable the phenomenon of sound is for our existence, we could also say that our environment is expressed through any type of sound waves, and they reach our auditory systems (ears) constantly, and in this way we can enjoy any noise or type of melody generated by a vibratory movement of the component particles of a certain body or object.

As it has been expressed through the propagation of sound we can find other types of intrinsic phenomena to such propagation as is the case of reflection, absorption and transmission of sound, and these phenomena are developed by the various obstacles that these sound waves get when they go from the emitting source to a particular receiver of these waves.

Any object is made up of a large number of particles which makes them have particular characteristics of reflection, absorption and transmission of sound, sometimes we can find only the development of the phenomena of reflection and absorption, this is because the obstacle can reflect the sound waves that hit them and absorb the rest of the energy that is dissipated when these sound waves collide with them.

However, my dear readers, in general, the sound that is emitted from a place and upon encountering an obstacle does not prevent certain sound waves from passing through said obstacle, when this occurs we are in the presence of the phenomena of reflection, absorption and transmission of sound.

Transmission of sound waves


Figure 1. Sound transmission

It is important to always keep in mind the phenomenon of absorption in relation to the phenomenon of sound transmission, and this is because if the sound is totally absorbed by the object or obstacle that gets in its way, then there will be no transmission of sound waves to the other side of that body or obstacle.

The absorption capacity of a given material is undoubtedly related to its structural conformation, where characteristics such as porosity, density, thickness, among other influential characteristics at the time of sound absorption, stand out.

As in this opportunity we are referring to the transmission of sound, it is necessary to relate to the energy of the sound waves that can be transmitted from one place to another when passing any type of obstacle and for this, the sound transmission factor, whose formula is as follows:


Thus we can verify what has been expressed, i.e., the energy of the sound waves incident on a surface will be absorbed, reflected and transmitted, as long as the obstacle impedes the passage of these waves, as we can see in the following formulation.



Each one of us can find around us a large number of sources emitting some sound either naturally or artificially, the important thing is that any type of sound waves constantly reaches our ears and thus allows us to hear everything that happens around us.

Sound is a complex phenomenon that is generated through other essential phenomena such as movement, particularly vibration. Sound cannot be seen with our eyes, hence its great complexity of understanding, but nevertheless, throughout our history as rational beings we have managed to configure vital tools such as the field of science, technology and education.

The above fields have allowed us to be able to interpret, and furthermore, to propagate any form of knowledge among all of us, and sound has been no exception, as we have seen in this article and the transmission of the phenomenon of sound.

Until another opportunity my dear friends, it will always be important to learn from our wonderful environment in order to extend our longevity in this very complex but fascinating universe.

Note: The images are my own and were created using Power Point and the animated gif was created with the PhotoScape application.

Recommended Bibliographic References

[1]Física del sonido

[2]Sound Transmission.

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