Men in Black has aged quite well

This popped on my Netflix feed today so I figured to give it a watch. It's actually the second time I watch the movie, but the first one was back when it first premiered on the cinemas in 1997, when I was 9 years old.

Essentially it was like watching the movie for the first time as the only thing I remembered about the film was that Will Smith was the main star.

In case you live in a cave or something, this is a Sci-Fi comedy film based on a comic series by marvel.

All in all, a fun film with a meh plot. I laughed here and there but I wasn't super amazed. But it was good enough for me to watch the two sequels that followed in the first opportunity I get.

Also I like how the special effects have aged. With some small exceptions this could easily pass off for a recent, decent budget Hollywood movie despite being almost 25 years old!

I will give it a 7 out of 10!

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