
Most times when browsing you see lots of ads showing you surveys , download this or that application , play this game or asking you to complete some certain tasks and in return, you will be rewarded with points of things redeemable for cash or gift items.

Some of these websites and applications seem too good to be true and we are forced to either fill them in or download the app just to see what happens and most times we get disappointed either you reaching the threshold for payout and being told to fill in some silly surveys so you could "unlock" the "content" you partially worked for (partially...because you didnt really invest in it except maybe your internet data and time wasted might be the part that hurts.)


(here comes the part that annoys me the most) being told your region is not allowed to partake in the survey or download the app.

Here's an example
Qmee unavailable.pngsource


You "successfully" signed up and you get a notification of surveys being available, only for you to click the link and then you get this...

who ate all the surveys.png On a more serious note who ate all the surveys? sure it wasn't me!

Can be quite saddening to see that, BUT as time goes on we shall be analyzing a few "online passive income earning" opportunities. Today we shall be looking at what PASSIVE INCOME is and how to go about or around it (lol.. yes i said go around because we are here to get ourselves empowered and not feel left out in the World as a whole).

We shall start by defining or explaining what PASSIVE INCOME is;


According to Investopedia
"Passive income is earnings derived from a rental property, limited partnership, or other enterprise in which a person is not actively involved. As with active income, passive income is usually taxable, but it is often treated differently by the IRS."

According to Melissa Houston
"Passive income is money which flows in regular intervals without the need for putting in a considerable amount of effort to create it."

So basically, according to what Melissa Houston said in the above mentioned quote. One of the reasons to why we sought out such opportunities is so while we sleep at night there's an "investment" working for you.

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Warren Buffet

20180525-make-a-passive-income-1920x1280.jpg source

So how do we identify these opportunities and make use of them? That we shall discuss in the next post, this article is to get ourselves familiar with the basics of passive income. In as much as we have several categories of passive income, I personally classify them into two groups.


Just like how they are spelt out, they are somehow self-explanatory. Our main focus is the digital earning aspect of it and we shall discuss it over the next few days/weeks.

Please feel free to drop your own comments and opinions. We are here to learn from one another.

Thanks for your time


N.B: You would be wondering why this post, If you haven't seen my Introductory Post then you might not be knowing where my PAIN comes from.

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