Amazing ham, cheese, tomato, lettuce sandwiches!


In a hurry! But make it amazing!

We don't always have a lot of time to make gourmet food to showcase, but sometimes the food we make can be something simple... like a sandwich!

But instead of peanutbutter and jam - we make it EPIC!

Everyone knows that the ham, cheese, tomato, lettuce sandwich is one of the best out there! I think, given some time and preparation, to make this one better I would include some bacon, but this morning I did not have the time for that... besides! I had the ham ready!

Sure, most of our amazing Hive Chefs would know how to make a sandwich! It's simple. But we do it for the kids. Haha! Also, it is quite likely that not everyone eats bread as their staple or, you would just like to see MY sandwich. I thank you for your time and attention!

The Process


Get all your ingredients together in one place! Butter that bread! We are eating a low gi brown bread, presliced today.


Next, quite simple - add the lettuce. You need to break off the thick stem parts because that is too crunchy. Leave the leafy parts for your sandwich. The lettuce ensures that the tomato or other juices in a sandwich does not flow down and make your bottom bit of bread soggy.


Next are these giant slices of ham. I felt it would be generous and display well to have them poke out a bit. A bit more practical would be to fold or cut the ham. Not today!


Thinly sliced tomato is the name of the game here. Use a serrated knife to cut, straight blades will just crush your tomato and end in accidents. You need quick little back and forth motions to get the cut going and I guess a bit of experience to get it done nicely every single time!

I also added a extremely light sprinkling of braai salt. Why braai salt? Well it contains salt and a number of finely ground spices. But be careful, over salting that sandwich will lead to sad times!

The SECRET INGREDIENT of the day was to add a thin spread of salad dressing on the upper slice. Because the bread is buttered quite well and gravity does its thing, the thin bit of dressing will not seem upward and make things messy


Now finally gate and add the cheese, this is done directly on the sandwich. That way you can see and judge that the amount of cheese you have used is enough without wasting cheese.

Also, now I am looking at my own kids, @aimeludick, @merenludick and @matthew-williams all LOVE cheese, but you guys must remember to use the grater! They have all been banned from helping themselves to cheese and using half a block in one day.

This is usually because if you cut slices and chunks of cheese, you need a lot of it to cover your bread fully. Grating the cheese ensures the cheese is thin, covers everything and the taste is better.

Go ahead and test that. A chunk of cheese or a thin sliver of cheese. Pay attention... the taste is different. What a wonderful discovery. I think a lot of food is like this.

What kind of sandwiches can you make and show off? Post your links below!

Cheers for now!




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