How to cook bamboo shoots at home


Hello dear friend, Today I want to show you about cooking food at home. Today my Mother found the bamboo shoots for boil and cooked it. She always cooks it if her want eat. This food called name is boil bamboo shoot. In my home there are alot bamboo shoots at the fences home. In this month it starts grow very big and my villager take it to cook in the family.


In the picture my Mother put in the basket and peeled it to clean the water. She cleans it already and chop it.


My Mother cut it into strip for cooking and take it put in the pot.


First we heat the fire and put the pot for cooking. Then we put the oil in a pot, add three cloves of garlic, two spoons of sugar, stir it well, then add the pork. We make it a little red, then put the bamboo in a pot, stir it well, then add two tablespoons of bean curd and a tablespoon of salt.


Next, we add enough water to the pot to bring it to boil. We heat it to make it brittle and then put it down. Cook for half an hour and it cool to eat.


My parents eat it very much and my niece eats it very happy. My niece said delicious and yummy. She like eats when my Mom do it. My niece and I like eat so much this food. I hope you like my description.

Thank you for reading. Have a good day. Escape the covid-19. Stay at home safe.

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