A potluck party with my classmates 😁😀😁😀


How many kinds of food can you recognize where it is from? 😃


It has become an unforgettable potluck party!
Learning a new language takes a lot of time and effort, plus you have got to know how to handle your stress. You may get stressed because you cannot improve as you wish. Today, we see many international students who come from foreign countries in Japan working at convenience stores and restaurants. I really respect them so much! They study in the morning to the evening, then they come to their workplace to work. They speak pretty well Japanese so that I guess that they have learned Hiragana and Katakana. Also, they may be learning a lot of Chinese characters to get the job. They also have to learn how to work using the new language (Japanese) and have to learn work culture as well. They have put so much effort to learn the language and handling so much stress (well, I am just guessing though.) When I see them, I always say “Hang in there!” to them in my heart like I am saying to myself. Haha! Yes, learning a new language is difficult! But, I also can say that learning a new language is fun!

新しい言語を勉強すると言うことは、とても時間と忍耐がかかります。なかなか成長しない自分に苛立ちなど、色々とストレスと向かい合いながら新しい言語を勉強します。 日本にはこの頃コンビニやレストランなどで留学生を見かけることが多くなりましたが、わたしは彼ら彼女ら対して本当に尊敬の念を抱きます。 自分の国を離れ、そして言語の中でも特に難しい日本語を勉強し、ひらがな、カタカナを先ず覚え、そして無数にある漢字を日々習得し、そして文化も一から学ばなくてはいけません。難しい接客スキルを習得し、そして色々な難題に対応している姿を見ると重なるものがあり、脱帽する気持ちになります。わたしも日々、忘れっぽい記憶力と戦いながら新しい言語習得を頑張っております。 日本で留学生や外国人就労者を見るたびに、「お互いにがんばろうね!」と心のなかで唱えエールを送っています。

The other day at language school where I study Swedish, we had a potluck party. The concept was to learn food culture from your home country and bring what you eat and explain what is it. And, learn new words from the food that you cook and make. Then, we eat together as we chat and learn about a new culture. My classmates are very diverse. Since there are many vegetarians and vegans in my class, I decided to make vegan sushi. It was not my first time get invited to this kind of potluck party, and I cooked okonomiyaki when I was a student for the very first time. I thought that it was a good idea to cook something that I like, but it does not mean that what I like will be what they will like. Well, it was a good lesson! LOL! My classmates got very curious about it, but they did not eat it much (maybe it was bad lol!). So, I decided to eat something most people would know, sushi! I just did not want to make my classmates get freaked out about what I eat.



Brazilian food! Yummy!

My classmates are very diverse. They are from the Philippines, Australia, Germany, Austria, Ghana, Taiwan, Canada, Brazil, Uganda, India, Russia, and myself, Japan. I thought that sushi was well known, but it turned out to be not so much to some of my classmates. Many of my classmates from Europe knew what sushi was, but classmates from Africa and India did not know how to eat sushi. I explained how to eat sushi with soy sauce. Yes, we eat the black thing which is nori (seaweed) as well. Well, I am glad that they like it though. It has become such a nice potluck party which gave us topics to talk about with classmates as we ate it. We chatted with poor Swedish, yet we understand somehow with some body language and checked words with a cellphone when we really couldn’t understand what they meant.



Philippino food! Yummy!


Indian food! Yummy!!


I made this vegan sushi. Well, it was OK! Haha!

So, how to make sushi?


Prepare nori, seaweed, which you can buy a Japanese grocery store.


Cook rice. Then, put some vinegar, salt, sake, and sugar. Then, mix them well.


Spread cooked rice onto the nori.


Put whatever you like to eat onto the rice. I put pickled ginger and raddish.


Also, I put pickled ginger and seasoned mushroom.


Roll!! Roll!!! Roll!!!!


And, more to roll!!! Roll!!!!

That is all!!


I hope you enjoy it! Please try to make some sushi at home! It is actually easier than what you expect. No wonder that there are so many sushi shops in your town, right? Because it is so easy! Haha!

🥦Ha det så bra! 🥦
🥦See you again! 🥦


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