Noodle + Potato + Sausage - Just Basic Cooking... Check It Out!


Hello everyone!

Welcome to another edition of my food post and today, I am sharing popular dish from Austria.

This is a favorite in my household. When I couldn´t think of anything to cook, then I make this. This is a version of the dish called Grenadier Marsch which literally means the march of the grenadier soldiers. The "grenadier" mentioned here is actually those elite soldiers during the 17th and 18th century who were in the front line of the infantry who carried hand grenades as weapon. According to my husband´s "Oma" Lizzie, the soldiers were served this dish before they were sent out to drill or sent out in the front line to fight the enemy in the war. As the pasta and the potatoes were heavy, they could sustain to fight without getting hungry for a longer time in the field.

The cooking is so simple and very basic. The ingredients could already be available in your pantry. At home, I always see to it that I have potatoes and onions. These two are so versatile and can be used anytime in cooking. I also hoard the pasta since they last long if they are kept in airtight containers. I store my noodles in glass container that has a rubber ring, that way noodles could last for many months.

Stir Fry Potato Noodle.jpg

These 2 variations in the above images are from the same recipe wich had been cooked at different times... it is up to you to add more vegetables. I hope you will enjoy this yummy dish because it is very easy to cook. Below is the recipe and procedures.

Stir Fry Potato + Noodle With Sausages

2 Servings


150 grams Potatoes, peeled, boiled and cut into bite pieces
150 grams noodles, boiled
Sausages of any kind, sliced ( I used hard Vienna sausages like Debreziner
... or Burenwurst and Frankfurters)
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 large onion, sliced
Olive oil
Soy sauce
ground black pepper




In a hot pan with 1 tablespoon olive oil , fry the garlic until golden brown in color, add the onion and continue stir frying until onions are slightly soft and pale in color. Remove and set aside in a plate for later use.


In the same hot pan with 1 tablespoon olive oil, fry the cut sausages until they are nicely crispy and more brown in color.



Add the boiled potatoes ... fry until the potatoes get a bit of golden color. Add the boiled noodle and the onion that was set aside before, stir fry until all are well combined then add the leaves of the spring onions. Again mix careully.



In this dish, I sprinkled around a tablespoon of soy sauce which is optional. I have an affinity to using soy sauce in almost all of my cooking since I was used to this back in my home country, the Philippines. Then I added salt and pepper according to my taste preference.



I hope that you will try this very easy Stir-fry dish. It´s all basic cooking, so do not be afraid to try it even if you have no cooking experience. If you wish, you may add other veggies such as zucchini or broccoli, just be sure to blance or steam them first. Serve hot as main dish.


All images are owned by me, @mers

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF/Banner by @gremayo

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