Harvested, stuffed , cooked - Peppers from My Container Garden

Hi everyone!

Though I had been absent for days, I was reading blogs too. My resources to comment had been limited as we were travelling early this week. Today, I am sharing my harvested peppers.. The sauce here had been made from squash and this type of squash is favorable since it´s a bit sweeter in taste.


It had been a "Tohuwabóhu" (chaotic) kind of days before departing for Spain... Time was running and I wasn´t ready yet with all the packings. The thing was, I had to cook the potted peppers harvested from my balcony. This is a make do cooking, and while the time was short, I felt sorry that I didn´t make a nice set-up for this presentation. The cooked pepper might have looked plenty, but since the pepper weren´t that big, we ate this for lunch in one sitting...Lol!



At any rate, I was glad that I cooked them all. It was the first time I used and prepared the elongated type because I would normally stuff the bell peppers as they have more space to accommodate more fillings. So let´s have a look at how I made them.

Stuffed Pepper (Elongated type)


Peppers ( I had 10 pieces)
300 grams Ground beef
1 small zucchini, minced
3 cloves garlic, pressed and minced
1 onion, minced
Grana Padano ground cheese
1/2 diced and steamed Hokkaido squash (seeds removed)
dash of curry powder (optional)
soy sauce
ground black pepper
olive oil


You will be halfway done with cooking if you prepare the ingredients before starting to cook.


Make an opening for each of the pepper. Make sure you choose the flatter base of the pepper so that it stands properly when stuff with the fillings.


Cut the top to make an opening as shown in the images. Do not discard the cut top, this will be included in the fillings as in the below image. Remove the seeds and set the pepper aside for filling later.


Coarsely mince all the cut top of the peppers.


In a hotpan with 1 tablespoon olive oil, fry the garlic until golden brown in color, followed by the onion and the zucchini.


Add the ground beef, stir fry until the beef becomes pale in color.


Add the minced peppers and add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, continue until the beef becomes brown in color. The soy sauce is already salty, so add salt and pepper according to your taste. You may add a dash of curry powder, but this is optional. By adding curry powder, this will make the fillings more spicy.

Screenshot 2021-10-17 19.37.13.png

Stuff the peppers with the beef fillings and arrange these in a baking pan lined with baking paper. Sprinkle each filled pepper with the Grana Padano cheese.

Screenshot 2021-10-17 21.17.31.png


When all are ready, place in a pre-heated oven and bake for about 15 minutes under 180°C or until the cheese melts a bit. Switch off the oven and keep the peppers warm until the squash sauce is done.


In then meantime, use a smoothie machine or a stab mixer and liquify the steamed squash + 1 glass of water or vegetable broth. If the squash is too thick, add more water. Add salt and pepper, bring the sauce to a boil, then transfer to a bigger pan to accommodate the stuffed peppers.

Arrange the peppers carefully in the pan and bring the sauce to a short boil then simmer for about 10 minutes. Just a short tip, the peppers need not be so soft as they can be eaten raw, so a short boil and simmer would do.


Have fun cooking and enjoy this ! Until next time for more recipes, so see you around!

Screenshot 2021-10-17 23.10.28.png
Banner by @gremayo

All images are owned by @mers
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