Pork Ribs a fam fav

Ah Pork Ribs, one of my fav. Funnily enough these used to be cheap as anything. You could pick up a whole rack for $2 butchers used to throw them away or sell them as dog bones. I grew up on pork ribs and people used to laugh at me and tease me about it. If you're European or South American or even American you're probably wondering why? Pork Ribs are awesome!

Well they only really got discovered here over the past decade and since then prices have steadily been increasing to having to pay close to $20 for these two racks! Tonight I'm going to teach you one of my favourite recipes.


First up, you're going to have to cut the Ribs and place them into a bowl and get your spices ready. For this I use paprika, salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder dash of olive oil and if you want jam in some freshly crushed garlic.


Give it all a thorough mix so that the mix has been evenly coated across all the Ribs. Don't want to miss out on any of that goodness.


Heat a large frying pan over medium high heat, drizzle with olive oil and give your pork ribs a quick fry, nothing too long just enough to brown the.


I usually only get them to about this level of brown, I find over cooking them impacts the dish and undercooked also doesn't come out that well also.


In a large deep saucepan or pot or whatever you call it where you are add some olive oil and brown some onions.


Once browned add your pork ribs to the mix and some tomatoe passatta. Depending on the amount of ribs you may need two 700ml bottles. For two rib racks I used two bottles and for every bottle you need to add around 1 cup of water.

Add in the juices left over in the frypan.


Then add 3 crushed garlic cloves, a large bunch of Basil and a table spoon of sugar to help counter the acidity of the tomatoes. You can also add tomatoe paste and mix it in at the start prior to this step to support the sauce thickening but I don't always do that.

Give it a quick mix to ensure everything is stirred through, place on your smallest cooking burner and cook on low for about 1.5 to 2 hours. Checking and stirring every 15 minutes to ensure nothing sticks on the bottom and burns your sauce. I've had that happen a few times and it will destroy your dish as that burnt taste radiates throughout the sauce.


Once you're done or you think you're done pull one of the ribs out and give them a try. The meat should be tender enough to slide right off the bone.


You can serve this beautiful dish with your favourite pasta topped with some parmasan cheese and enjoy!

I cook this dish often as it is perfect for young kids like little bloke whose teeth aren't fully developed yet. The softness of the meat allows him to chew with his gums and teeth he does have. Just be warned that kids will just pick the bones up sauce and all and chew on them.

It's actually a really great way to help bring his teeth through the gums which is quite a painful process.

I hope you enjoyed my ribs recipe if you have a similar one please let me know below as I'd love to try out a new way to cook one of my fav meals Pork Ribs!

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