Daily Food Blog #3 : Miracle Rice

Food Journal : Baked Shirataki Rice


Is this the first time you’ve heard of Miracle Rice?

If so, I’ll tell you a little bit about this interesting rice.

Miracle rice or “ Shirataki Rice” is rice made from konnyaku. It has a jelly-like texture and according to my fitness pal app, it is rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates. Moreover, according to a website specialized in Japanese cuisine, this rice is easy to prepare and cheap. Although, that isn’t the case where I live; Shirataki Rice is more expensive than regular rice. I have no idea where the miracle rice name comes from, but when I try to find more information about this rice; I found miracle rice as the name that appears a lot around the interweb.

The first time I heard about shirataki is the noodle. Shirataki noodles are much easier to find and more common to find. You can also read more about these amazing noodles here Shirataki Noodles.

The first shirataki I tried was Aglio e Olio Shirataki. The noodle texture was chewy and it wasn’t something that I liked. In that same place where they sell Shirataki noodles, they also sell Shirataki Rice. So, I was curious about how that would taste. I was expecting something chewy and difficult to eat.


I decided to get baked shirataki rice with chicken with mushrooms. From the picture it looks more appetizing and less spicy than the other menu.

After it arrived, I was quite surprised to see the rice that looked like a mini bubble filled with water. I tried to take a bite and the texture was soft, chewy and jelly-like. When you bite it, the rice sort of popped, which was quite intriguing for me.

Since I ordered from a healthy diet place, the box comes with information about the calories. I was actually surprised that the calorie was low yet I felt full eating a box of baked shirataki rice. It was also topped with delicious cheese and chicken that makes the box more appetizing.

After my meal finished, I was really curious about shirataki rice. I wonder if that’s something easy to make at home. I also wonder if that could solve the future problem of food scarcity. In fact, based on what I read and also the nutritional content of it, Shirataki rice appears to be more healthier and nutritious than regular rice.

Have you ever tasted Shirataki Rice?

Hope You Enjoyed This article!

image.pngMac is a content creator that covers literature, books, technology, philosophy, nootropics, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things.
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