Daily Food Blog #1 : Healthy Meal

Food Journal : Greek Salad With Detox Juice

Since I want to eat healthier, I decided to get some salads and detox juice. I found this restaurant that exclusively sells salad bars. In this place, you can customize the salad based on your preference. It’s also low calorie with protein of your choosing. Their options are chicken, tuna, and beef. You can also choose to have carbs or no carbs at all. I was choosing no carb and just salad with protein.

This place is the only place that I know of who adds olive to their salad. So, I was really happy to finally be able to eat fresh olive. Usually, olives are only available on Pizza here but since I found this place, I can eat them in a healthier way.

Minimize Cravings By Choosing The Right Food

Surprisingly, though it only has 180cal, the meal was filling. In a day, I have to eat about 1800cal but normally, I just eat less than that. This salad was a way to teach me that when you choose the right food, not only it’s healthier, you also become fuller and minimize the cravings.

The detox juice is an addition to the salad. I like to add more green juices and it’s also an easier way for me to consume more vegetables and fruits. I generally like liquid food, so juice helps a lot with supplying my vegetable and fruit intake.

In that 250ml bottle, it was a mixture of kale, pineapple, and some other ingredients. It was refreshing and made me feel way better after drinking it. Overall, it was a really good lunch considering I was having a bad mood that day.

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image.pngMac is a content creator that covers literature, books, technology, philosophy, nootropics, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things.
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