Time to Make some Butter

There are some things that are a staple in my monthly grocery list and butter is one of them. And I wondered, if I can make enough butter for the week, then I don’t need to add butter to my monthly grocery list at all. Well, maybe a block or 2 for the freezer just in case.

I have been making some butter now for 2 weeks now and I am pleased with the results.

Let's get started.
Full Fat Yogurt – 500gms (store bought). If you make home made yogurt at home, you can use that as well.
Cold Water – 500 ml
Ice cubes – 10

Keep the yogurt in the freezer for 30 minutes. At this stage the yogurt should not be completely frozen, we just want it to get very chill, so the butter can separate from the buttermilk.

Add some yogurt (depending on the jar size) in a blender jar, add water. At this stage, the yogurt will look watery. I have used 100 grams of yogurt and 100 ml of water. And blend for a minute.

You will notice the fat in the yogurt will start separating. If you feel the yogurt is still too thick, add more water and blend for another minute.

Add 2 ice cubes and blend again. Now you will notice the butter. If the butter is too light, then add a couple of ice cubes. And blend for a couple of seconds.

With clean hands you can now scoop out the butter. Remove the butter and rinse in water.

Repeat the process with all the remaining yogurt.

If you do not want to use a blender, you can use a whisk to churn the butter too. Although it does take some time, it is worth it in the end.

I have noticed the butter stores well when refrigerated and kept in a bowl of water or a bowl of the buttermilk it is separated from.

And it is as simple as that.

Uses of the Buttermilk
It is fat free and you can add salt the buttermilk and drink it as is. It makes a refreshing coolant.

Add a couple of pinches of coriander seed powder to the buttermilk and drink it. It can give you relief if you are feeling bloated and have minor gastric troubles.

Use it to make some Kadhi. An easy to make buttermilk based curry.

Thank you for reading.

I cook every day. Well, almost every day. And there are days where I cook multiple recipes. Having said that, I am not an authentic or professional chef. Many of my recipes are experiments as I try to adapt and use the ingredients I already have.

My mantra is you should cook food just the way you like it. I don’t mean any disrespect to traditional methods of cooking or any cultures where the cuisine originates from. But I merely try to cook it with what I have and what is available to me and sometimes, I add ingredients that I want to use up.

All photos are my own.
All photos are shot on a mobile phone.

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