Be A King When Visit D’Raja Coffee, Cheap But Tasty Food In The Focal Point Mall.

Hello my dear friends.
Here i am showing you a new place that i just recently found out. This is not the first time that i knowbthis place but all this time i just passed by them and this gonna be the first time that i will ever sit and eat in there. So, how it all happened? Its because when i finished watching movies in the cinemas fee days ago with my cousin sister, we're getting realky hungry because uts passed our lunch time. We thinking of a place to eat. I told my sister that i want to eat in a place that i have never been into. My sister recommend mew few places and its alm interesting but most if them located across the street. In the end, i choose to eat in the place that located in the same building as we were at the time, which is in Focal Point mall.


The D’Raja coffee probably means The Raja. Raja is King in Indonesian’s language. I guess that they mean their visitor is the king? I would be so honored to be seen as a king, hehe. This cafe located right in the front of the Focal Point Mall. Like i said, i choose this place even though my cousin asked me if i want to go to across the road to find the food since they have more food in there because i was so hungry and i dont feel like i have the energy to walk in the blazing hot weather to cross the road full of cars and motorbikes which means its full of pollution too. Really, the weather is so hot that i almost feel like melting.





This is what the cafe looks like. Eventhough they have coffee in their name, i feel like this place lean towards cafe or restaurant more than the coffee shop. If we can see from the design, i feel like this is the kind of place that will be suitable to have a lunch meeting with your business partner or just a office lunch with your colleagues. Dont you think? The place is pretty calm and have a mature vibe. So this is absolutely not a place to hang out for teenagers. I said that, but I believe its the truth. Even the person sitting behind me and my sister was meeting with his client. The group sitting in our left looks like they’re office mates.







This is their menu. The menu selection is not really wide but it gave me some trouble to choose to. Initially i want to eat something light but there’s one menu with a picture that caught my interest.


For the drink, i just choose to have mineral water since i already bought coffee from Starbucks before we went to the D’ Raja. I was tempted by the artisan tea, especially the Bumi Harmoni. Buki Harmoni descriptions are “Sebuah racikan spesial perwujudan harapan untuk kehidupan yang indah dan tentram. Harmoni, kebersamaan bersatu padu, mewarnai hidup, dan menghangatkan kalbu.”
Which translated in english as “A special concoction of embodiment of hope for a beautiful and peaceful life. Harmony, togetherness unite, color life, and warm the heart.”
The description itself use some poetic words that cant be translated in english perfectly. It can only be understood for people that understand the language. Not only the Bumi Harmoni, but the other artisan tea descriptions have the same play of words. One other things that attract me to the Buki Harmoni is because the characteristics of the tea is chocolate and coffee caramel. I was wondering how the tea with chocolate and coffee caramel will taste like. Anyway, i talked so long about the drink i didnt order in a place where i should talk about the drink that i ordered. I hope that i was not being rude to mineral water. I love you too and thats why i order you. Having tea and coffee in the same time, it might be calling for an upset stomach.
Price 10.000 idr .


This is Grill Chicken Salad. This is what my cousin ordered and i love it very much. She recommended this salad and i should order it by myself the next time i go there. This time, i only taste on what my cousin have. Though i almost admit, the vegetable that they use is pretty nice but its nit as nice as what i usually like to have in my salad.
Price 28.000 idr .


This is Nasi Hotplate Ayam Goreng Mentega or Hotplate Rice With Butter Fried Chicken. Not only fry the chicken with butter, i eont expect that they put some semur soup in here. Eating them together with the fried egg right on the bottom of the food, i feel like all if my stress and fatigue fade away. This is heavenly. There are sometimes where i dont favor rice, but there are times where i feel like rice is my savior. Its one of the time like that. The combination if everything in the hot plate is just perfect.
Price 33.000 idr.


This is finger finger. Me and my sister ordered this as our snacks. We ended up cant finish all though since we’re full. Its rare for me to finished the rice in my plate but this time it’s finished.
The price is 25.000 idr.


This is our bill. For that many food ( good one at that). We only need to spend 130.000 inclucing one ice cream for my cousin sister. The price in this olace is really good especially if we compared itvto how tasty the food are.

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