Iced coffee - Two different ways

Who doesn't love coffee? I always need it in the morning, but I wanted to spice the coffee up a little bit. Why not to try out iced coffee?

In both recipe you can use a milk skimmer if you want to, but if you do, use a little bit more milk in it 🤗 If you have any leftovers of coffee, the second recipe is perfect for you!

Here is TWO ways to make ICED COFFEE:

The most original way to make it is with:
  • A big glass
  • Some ice cubes
  • 2-3 dl Unsweetened milk (you can uses sweetened milk if you want to)
  • 1 dl strong coffee
How to do it:

Fill your favorite glass with ice cubes and milk.


Then pour your strong coffee in the glass and mix it all together with your favorite spoon (hehe).

My boyfriend actually showed me this one, and it have become my favorite 💛


If you use sweetened milk, you don't need any sweeteners. I don't always use sweetening in my iced coffee, but if I do, I always use these products on the picture - one teaspoon brown sugar or sirup with a very low amount of calories.
But you can of course use whatever sweetener you want to.

You can pour more coffee or milk in it, if it doesn't taste like you want to. It's all up to you!

Sukrin is a Norwegian product. Sukrin is based on the sweetener Erythritol

The second way - with coffee cubes!

This recipe is amazing if you have some leftovers of coffee!

Before you start, you need:

  • Ice cube mold
  • Leftover coffee
  • Milk
  • A glass
How to do it:

Fill the ice cube tray up with coffee. If possible, I recommend to make the coffee a little bit strong.
If the coffee is hot, let it stay in the mold until it's room temperature. Put the tray in the freezer, and don't take it out before its frozen.


Put your frozen coffee ice cubes in a glass, then fill it all with milk!

And it's done! 😄


You can worm you milk a little bit up if you want to. Or use a milk skimmer with heat to make the ice cubes melt a little bit faster.

Don't use an ice cube mold you usually use for ice cubes made of water. The mold may get a taste of coffee!


Have you tried to make iced coffee?

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