The "I'm back" no chicken biscuit

Hello all! I'm back! Back what? I've always been here, posting everyday 🤣 What I'm referring to is a special food from my home state Perak. I'm back for more!


This is a traditional cookie sandwich we have back in the old days. It goes by the name of "chicken biscuit". Despite being called by the name of chicken biscuit, trust me there's no chicken in it. It's just a traditional onion cookies with some flavouring.


Pun Chun restaurant is one of the oldest Chinese restaurant in Bidor town, in Perak my home state. It's in the middle west of peninsular of Malaysia. About 50km south from Ipoh city and about 120km north of Kuala Lumpur.


I remember when I was way much younger, my house will oftenly have 2 different types of chicken biscuit. One being like a perfect crunchy cracker type which I used to craved for, but I was influenced by my dad saying those are for tourists, and this type of caramelized onions filling sandwiched biscuit is the real deal.


And now, after many years, suddenly saw these packaging in a small rack by the shop, decided to purchase a pack home and slowly enjoy it. This bring back tons of memories. I recall of my 3rd uncle which staying nearby our house, which my aunt babysits me and my brother. We will have small family gathering when my uncle send us back home and we'll be sitting there drinking coffee and enjoying these biscuits.


Sometimes, it's not about the fancy restaurant we visited. Sometimes, it's not the best food we had in our life. It can be just a simple traditional cookie, and it brings back all the memories.

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