Line cook stories and vegan fun food

Warning: This is not a recipe post!

I don't always put effort into making food. I have to do it at my job. When we get home it is after slaving in a hot kitchen. We don't take breaks so it gets pretty exhausting.

Today was going to be the busiest night of the week. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, although fast paced. We're used to running on a tread mill. There was a full house of guest in the dining room. They were enjoying themselves, with drinks and appetizers.

Then suddenly the power went out. Boom!!! We were in the dark.

We didn't have a flashlight or candles. Our ventilation system was affected. buzzers and beeps were happening. We were doing the orders with the light of the cell phones. Not easy. Fortunately we have gas run stove, grill and fryer. I felt bad for the guests. We found out that it was the whole side of the street that was out of power. It wasn't our fault.

Fortunately I live across from work so I jogged home to get a bag of tea candles. I also had a video LED light which I brought. It had batteries.
I slammed down the bag of candles and asked the server to get each table lit up. She was happy to do so. Everyone was suddenly in romantic ambient lighting.

We had a cellphone and a video light to make the orders. We were sweating so hard as it was a very hot day/night and with no ventilation, it was smouldering hot. We stopped taking guests and called to cancel reservations.

After an hour the power was back on. We were exhausted when the shift was over. We were also really hungry. When we got home, we took the easy route to dinner.

I always keep a stash of vegan wieners in the freezer for these times. These ones are the most accurate version of the real thing that I have ever had. It's a local company.

I know that hot dogs are not considered healthy in general, but I think that this is the lesser of evils when it comes to "junk food". It is plantbased and free from ground up mystery meat.


These were done in a short time.


I decided, to use up things in the fridge and do different toppings. This reminded me of "America" even though I am Canadian, for what that's worth.
Sorry not patriotic. Canadians are known for saying "sorry" all the time. Guilty as charged!


I decided to do a different topping on each one.

I had vegan queso cheese left over which I added jalapeno to for a Mexicanish thing. I added some veggies and kalamata olive pesto to another.

I added onion tomato mustard and ketchup for a basic one.


I added cooked sour cabbage with dijon mustard to another.


Lately corn has been plentiful and super inexpensive. I got a dozen sweet corn for 2 dollars. I only eat corn on the cobb in summer.

I like to dress it with vegan butter and hot sauce, salt and pepper. A simple fast way to eat, after feeding people that are willing to eat in the dark.


Okay well if you're still here I thank you for stopping by!

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