BitShares Core "Splash" ♥ 5.2.0 ♥ Release

Release Notes

The BitShares Core software has been updated to the ♥ 5.2.0 ♥ Feature Release. The codename of the 5.x releases is "Splash". The Core software is used to build the validation nodes that perform consensus of all transactions on the BitShares blockchain. This release includes additions, improvements and bug fixes but does not include any changes to the consensus protocol.

Documentation for users may be be found at How BitShares Works.

Documentation for BitShares developers may be found at the BitShares Developer Portal.

Who Should Upgrade

It is recommended that all nodes be upgraded, although it is not required.

API nodes will benefit from the new API, performance and stability improvements, and functionality improvements.

Block producers and other nodes will benefit from the stability improvements.

Command-line interface (CLI) wallet users will benefit from the CLI improvements.

How To Upgrade


  • A blockchain replay will automatically be performed after the validation node software is restarted. This typically takes a few hours on a modern CPU.

How to Upgrade from Source Code


  • The code base requires a compiler that supports the C++ 14 standard
  • The minimum supported boost version is 1.58, the maximum is 1.74
  • The minimum supported CMake version is 3.2
  • For Ubuntu users, it is now supported and recommended to build in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Obtain the Source Code

The source code may be obtained by checking out the 5.2.0 tag. Download the source at:

Build the Binaries

The binaries may be built by using your pre-existing process, or by following the standard instructions that can be found in the wiki:

Deploy the Binaries

Your standard process for deploying the node software may be used. No additional requirements or precautions will be required to deploy the new release.

How to Upgrade with Docker

The latest Docker image may be found at BitShares Core Docker page and updated with

docker pull bitshares/bitshares-core:5.2.0

Binaries for download

Binaries of the command line interface (CLI) wallet and the node software are pre-built and available for download.

Note: These binary builds are reproducible and were signed using Gitian. Please check the README if you want to verify and/or contribute.

PlatformSHA256 Checksum
Microsoft Windowse235de2b70ff12fea5a75621b83fc5050d45b755156bc3ab0ddf6ab18ee421ab


The changes for 5.2.0 Feature Release are summarized below.

Node Functionality

DescriptionIssuePull Request
Disable p2p network when delayed_node plugin is enabled1042040, 2393
Fix data error in (virtual) execute_bid_operation-2363
Fix transaction loss after broadcast23762383

Node Performance and Stability

DescriptionIssuePull Request
Reduce the allowable range of negative latency-2370
Improve market ticker read performance via chunks-2358
Update seed nodes-2353, 2422, 2423


Please check the linked pull requests for more info and documentation.

DescriptionIssuePull Request
Add database API get_liquidity_pools_by_one_asset to query for liquidity pools by any one asset in the pool23562365

Command-Line Interface (CLI) Wallet

DescriptionIssuePull Request
Fix brain-key compatibility between bitshares-core and bitshares-ui23542355
Fix CLI get_account_history_by_operations ordering-2359
Print more info in account history in CLI22962360, 2384
Add CLI commands get_account_name, get_asset_id, get_asset_symbol and get_asset_name-2364
Fix sign_memo command for signing with public keys-2386

Software Design

DescriptionIssuePull Request
Support building with Boost 1.74-FC-226, 2406
Support building in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS2216FC-234, FC-236, 2347, 2349
Fix assigning instead of comparing-FC-232
Define related functions only when have editline-FC-233
Force TLSv1.2 or above when using libcurl-2368
Set program options with a template function in tests-2402
Fix code smells21012372, 2390, 2392
Remove unnecessary include of boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp24142415
Remove unused code-2424

Build Process and Continuous Integration (CI)

DescriptionIssuePull Request
Fix cache for matrix in Github Actions-FC-239, 2366
Integrate SonarScanner in Github Actions workflow2314FC-240, FC-241, 2367, 2391, 2401
Fix MinGW build in Github Actions24272426


DescriptionIssuePull Request
Fix typo in docs of serializable _types-FC-235
Fix description for the FC namespace in doxygen2342FC-237
Update copyright notices about static_variant-FC-238
Update comment about liquidity_pool_exchange_operation market fee sharing-2382
Fix doxygen docs in node_impl.hxx23752403, 2405, 2418
Document fees returned by liquidity_pool_exchange_operation23462404
Fix broken link in README of performance_test-2416
Update mail map and contributors-FC-242, 2426, 2429

Unit Tests

DescriptionIssuePull Request
Randomize index prefixes in ES tests, fix random failures22832371, 2373
Fix two_node_network connection failure in app_test392374
Fix two_node_network test case failure after transaction broadcast23782377
Fix random HTLC test failures22192381
Add uia_tests in cli_test-2385, 2389
Add test cases for liquidity pool APIs-2387
Fix random cli_test failure due to conflict on listening ports24092411

Release Contributors

@abitmore (
@pmconrad (
@sinetek (
@xloem (
@hammadsherwani (

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