Blue flowers

Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world. Many people start the day with a cup of coffee. There is a lot of controversy about the good and bad properties of coffee. Undoubtedly, excess caffeine leads to insomnia, tension, increased urination, palpitations. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the ritual of drinking coffee, be moderate and sometimes replace coffee with a chicory drink.

I love this sky blue flower very much ....❤️


Chicory (lat. Cichorium intybus) is a perennial plant that blooms from July to September, and begins to ripen in August. It is a very widespread meadow plant. Delicate blue flowers are used for salad, while the root of the plant is dried, ground into a powder from which a beverage is obtained, which resembles coffee in its taste.


Chicory drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. It contains inulin, the most famous prebiotic, which has a positive effect on the intestinal flora and the health of the digestive system. Thanks to inulin, it does not lead to an increase in blood sugar, and it also helps lower cholesterol. Since it does not lead to spikes in blood sugar, there is no attack of hunger, which is often the case after drinking coffee. Unlike coffee, chicory does not lead to an increase in cortisol, but on the contrary calms and reduces stress. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid chicory...


1/2 teaspoon of chicory powder is poured into 200ml of cold water and brought to a boil. After a few minutes, remove from the stove, wait for the precipitate to settle and strain. Milk or honey and cinnamon can be added if desired... ☕🥰

I drink coffee in the morning and I drink one or two cups of chicory in the afternoon. Caffeine bothers me in the afternoon so I found chicory as a substitute.🤗


The first records of the healing properties of vodopija were found in Egyptian writings, made in 1550 BC. Vodopija is most often used to relieve digestive problems, bloating, slow digestion and as a means to facilitate the elimination of gas, so it is a common ingredient in tea blends for weight loss. Its beneficial effects on the liver and spleen are also well known: fresh juice as well as tea from the aboveground part and roots regulates bile secretion, and recent research shows that watercress extracts have a protective effect on liver tissue cells exposed to toxic substances. Several studies performed on laboratory animals suffering from diabetes have shown that the alcoholic extract of watercress contributes to lowering the levels of sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.


Fresh watercress flower is used to make Bach's flower essence No. 8 "Chicory", intended for egocentric and possessive people who impose their rules on the environment, who require constant attention and have an insatiable need for proofs of love. The use of this essence contributes to overcoming the need for domination by opening their hearts to unconditional and selfless love.


A morning walk next to chicory always cheers me up ...😊

I hope you enjoyed the story and maybe want to drink a cup of this wonderful and healing drink 🥰

Thank you very much for visiting my blog 🥰

Have a nice evening ✨🌌✨

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