#4 Discovering Natural Medicinal Plant for the day in the Himalayas that can cure White Blotches, Warts and other skin diseases.

Hello Everyone,

In this blog I will be sharing information about the medicinal plant and its uses, that I found yesterday during my research expedition of exploring medicinal plants in the Himalayas.


This is Curi plant which grows at an altitude of 1200m to 4300m. Botanical name of Curi plant is Rumex nepalensis Spren and it belong to Polygonaceae family of plants.

Rumex nepalensis Spren is native to India, Africa, Australia, Afghanistan to South West China. West Asia and South Europe.


Rumex nepalensis Spren or Churi is a robust perennial herb, which can upto 120 cm in height.

Its Stem is robust, with spreading branches. Leaves of Curi Plant entire the lower with oblong ovate blade often with heart shaped base, upto 15 cm.


Leaf-stock as long, uppermost leaves are Stalkless and Lanceolate. Fruits broad wings fringed with comb like hooked teeth, and one wing with an oblong swelling.


There are many medicinal uses of Rumex nepalensis Spren or Curi plant as the roots are crushed, made into paste and applied on skin, affected with "jaaj" (White Blotches) can be cured. Root paste is also applied to remove Warts and other skin diseases.


So thats's all for today guys, I hope you liked it.

Thanks for passing by 🙏

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