Perhaps My Last Container Veggies - Harvested Tomatoes, Eggplants And Peppers!


You may wonder why I harvested the green tomatoes? Well, I am cleaning my balcony to get ready for Fall because we will be travelling in the next few weeks. I left the container peppers to let them grow more and perhaps they will still get red too. The nights are getting colder and its hard for the tomatoes to ripe, well the eggplants are ready so I thought of harvesting them today. After a few days, the tomatoes will get red , that I am sure of.


I remember the times, The caretaker of our avocado finca in Spain had a huge ground planted with tomatoes, and every time or season , we were given huge green tomatoes from his harvest. They became red after a few days.


It´s been 19 days since I gave an update on the peppers that were attacked by the grubs and since that time when the grubs were removed, the fruits came out one by one and got bigger , and there were plenty of flowers that developed and so the following images show how healthy they are as of today.


I harvested two peppers since I would like to add them to the Squash/ Eggplant dish I plan on cooking tomorrow.




Small harvest....

I did not have many eggplants to harvest this time because the bush I have were damaged during the cold months in Spring so that the flowers kept on falling down. Besides, the main branch of the bigger plant was cut when hubby was trying to water the tomatoes behind it. See what the guys do when their wives are out of town! LOL!


So this is the update on my container plants... I will cook the harvested veggies above, it will be yummy, promise!

Have a nice start of the week.... I´ll see you around!


All images are owned by @mers.

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

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