Phytopharmacological properties of Mentha spicata specimens (Mint)

Dear readers, friends, and followers of the #Hive platform, please take this opportunity to describe the main phytopharmacological properties of Mentha spicata, a herbaceous and aromatic biological resource widely valued for the bioactive effectiveness of its secondary metabolites on health.


The vegetal specimens produce a great amount of compounds, being the secondary metabolites coming from the organographic structures like the root, stem, foliar laminae, flowers, fruits and seeds, substances that, when entering the metabolic routes of the human body in low doses, induce phytopharmacological responses, namely; stimulating effects, besides antiviral, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory reactions.

Secondary metabolites are known as active ingredients and are mainly biological nitrogenous compounds of the alkaloid group, which are extracted from certain plant specimens by the pharmaceutical industry to create synthetic copies of equal or greater effectiveness than these organic substances, and then often marketed as drugs to treat various diseases.

Hence, the objective of this post, is to socialize the main phytopharmacological properties of the phytomethabolite called Carvone present in the specimens of Mentha spicata (Mint), detailing its botanical characterization, phytopharmacological responses of extracts based on Mint.

Botanical characteristics

Taxonomy and distribution

A Mentha spicata, is artificially placed in the Division: Magnoliophyta., Class: Magnoliopsity., Order: Lamials, and Family: Lamiaceae, is a plant material of herbaceous biotype and perennial growth, of European origin and predominantly temperate climates, however, is also characterized by developing in eco-regions with high luminosity, so it is easily adapted to tropical and subtropical climates.

Fig. 2 Leaf blades of Mentha spicata. Autor: @lupafilotaxia.

Common names

Specimens of Mentha spicata, are commonly known as Mint, however, it is also often identified as Roman Herb, or Garden Mint.

Fig 3 Herbaceous biotype stems from Mentha spicata. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Vegetative and reproductive morphology

Mentha spicata is characterized by extensive and invasive adventitious roots, herbaceous stems with creeping and phototropic growth, deciduous and reddish in color, leaf blades with peciolated insertion, simple, opposite phyllotaxy, from lanceolate to oblogolanceolate morphology, toothed and aromatic edges, pink/red coloured flowers and tubular aspect grouped in terminal panicles, fruit of capsular morphology, and small seeds slightly lignified.

Fig. 4 Phototropically oriented stem of Mentha spicata. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Phytopharmacological responses

Phytometbolites reported

The Carvone (C10H14O), is the phytomethabolite of greater medicinal effectiveness that have the vegetative organographic structures of the Mint, this according to experimental reports that have demonstrated, that this phytosubstance has the capacity to inhibit the pathogenic growth (virus, bacteria and fungi), in addition to possessing antispasmodic activity, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, diuretic and sedative.

Fig. 5 Carvone chemical structure. Design made by the Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Antimicrobial effect

At in vitro level, it has been demonstrated that the foliar laminae of Mentha spicata, have aromatic essential oils based on alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins with antimicrobial properties, reports that have been used by the phytopharmaceutical industry, as a solid base for the elaboration of mint based phytopharmaceuticals.

Anti-spasmodic action

It is affirmed, that the aromatic essential oils of present in the foliar lamina of Mentha spicata, possess antispasmodic properties, of there that, its use is recommended to treat spasms and convulsions, besides minor ailments.

Intestinal protection

Another phytopharmacological potential, which has Mentha spicata, is its response associated with intestinal protection, this because, according to experimental reports the main phytomethabolite Carvone present in mint, has digestive properties related to the treatment of flatulence and intestinal ailments.

Anti-obesity effect

Within the multiple biological potentialities of Mentha spicata, its effect in overweight patients is one of the most reported, this because, multiple results have been obtained that demonstrate that the antiobesity action of Carvone, can be more effective than the one provided by commercial synthetic drugs.


  • The publication specified to present the phytopharmacological effects of Mentha spicata, mainly the positive action that Carvone phytosubstance has in many pathologies that affect human health. Therefore, the manuscript, by means of a methodical outline, outlines the great potential that mint leaf blades have, describing their main phytopharmacological properties, and thus presenting alternative and useful information for users of the #Hive.


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