“Things fall apart” – today as they did 100 years ago

If we look at today’s current global situation, we would not be criticized for finding it to be somewhat chaotic and gravely concerning. An apparent global pandemic sweeps the planet. Governments have unleashed tyrannical lockdown measures and draconian restrictions that look like a global dictatorship has arrived. Every nation on the globe has had its economy knocked to its knees and millions are suffering job loss and financial collapse.

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An experimental vaccine has been rolled out which is causing more deaths and unprecedented illness. Rumors abound that the entire pandemic is a hoax or a bioweapon unleashed to cull humanity by the elite at the World Economic Forum and Gates Foundation and World Health Organization. The vaccine is said to be part of the bioweapon to cull millions of us so that the elite can streamline their world to suit their desires. No one will blame you for feeling like your world is collapsing around you and your sanity is being tested, as well as your grip on life itself, if your mental or physical health is being affected by all of this.

Curiously it was around 100 years ago, at this very juncture in the century, that a similar situation was unfolding. Technology was booming as the motor car was invented. Yet the world had just emerged from WW1, the Great War, the biggest world war in modern history. The world had also just been ravaged by the Spanish Flu, a global pandemic exactly like today’s covid-19 flu. Nations were collapsing. The Russian Revolution had changed the shape of the world map. The world had not experienced death to such a devastating degree as during this time 100 years ago.

And it was at this time (1919) that the Irish poet and Nobel prize laureate, W. B. Yeats (1865-1939) wrote his memorable poem The Second Coming of which the most famous lines are:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

It appears as if life is not progressive and linear but also cyclic because we have landed in precisely the same situation today, 100 years later. Technology is abounding, yet pandemic and apparent monstrous world government are rumored to be introducing Agenda 2030, reshaping civilization and killing us off systematically, while using the mass mainstream media to lie and sprout propaganda with impunity.

You would be totally forgiven if you feel as if you are going mad, losing a grip on your sense of reality as all that you thought was safe and supportive – like your government and health experts – who are being exposed as the opposite, namely your enemy who wish to destroy you. Not everyone feels that dire of course, and many believe the mainstream narrative, voluntarily signing up for the experimental vaccine despite evidence showing how it is injuring and killing masses of people.

It’s all a war for the minds of the masses right now. And Yeats’ poem seems as pertinent today as it was 100 years ago. Who would have thought that we could be in pretty much the same scenario that we were 100 years ago? Only this time, in my opinion, is worse because the world leaders never has as much reach or control over the entire planet and all its people back then as they have today. We are more vulnerable now because our leaders appear to be more determined to control and manipulate us, what to speak of cull us by the million.

It is at times like these, when we can no longer rely on the safety and protection of the government, or health officials, or the press, or religion, that we have to take control of our own lives, sanity and sovereignty. We have to look within and make a judgement call based on our own common sense, experience and survival skills. The old order is gone. The New World Order is upon us. The Great Reset is being rolled out. George Orwell’s totalitarian dictatorship is emerging on a global scale, with vaccine passports and total surveillance of all your activity, online or on the ground, as well as a control of your biology and your liberties.

None of this is legal, according to the Geneva Convention that was written after WW2, when other atrocities took place. This rollout of the experimental jab, which is not a vaccine by definition, and enforced behavoir modification, is a crime against humanity. Yet today the elite happily roll out Nazi behavior from the very top. German Lawyers like Dr Reiner Feulmich are taking the WHO and leaders to the war crimes court in the Hague for crimes against humanity, or genocide. Still many won’t realize this and simply fall for the lies and get a jab that could kill them and certainly won’t protect them, even according to the ones handing it out.

If it gets to a point where there is vaccine apartheid or mandatory vaccine, then we know we have lost control as a population. We have lost control to genocidal war criminals worse than the Nazis and we will have no other option but to fight back as individuals or hide in the hills – for the rest of our lives.

I certainly have seen too much evidence showing the genocide unfolding in the guise of a pandemic and a cure. I will die before taking any jab. They can keep their world travel and anything else. As Yeats said in his poem. “Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world”. Soon we will see brother against brother as the pro-vaxxers come up against the anti-vaxxers. As an anti-vaxxer we will be the new Jews in the Nazi dictatorship. Without our vax certificate we will be hunted down and called the super spreaders, while in fact we are the ones calling out the mass culling.

It’s the roaring twenties all over again and again it will end in The Great Depression and another world war, at this rate, like clockwork. However, as “innocence is drowned” will you be one of the best who “lack conviction” and simply submit to the medical tyranny and dictatorship or will you be labelled one of “the worst” who in your “passionate intensity” you rile against the mass culling and genocide, calling it out with you last breath of freedom before the drones arrive to shoot you down where you stand?

(image pixabay)

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