Honey - A wonderful gift from nature

Hello hivers in the #naturalmedicine community, have a nice day. I come from a province in the highlands of Vietnam, DakLak province, which is famous not only for coffee, pepper, rubber, fruit but also honey. With a large area and fertile soil, my hometown becomes a paradise for bees. Therefore, honey is also one of the favorite products from my hometown.


My hometown's honey is mainly coffee flower honey because we have a large coffee growing area. During each coffee flower season, you will see coffee farms with white flowers in bloom, and if you get close you will see bees working hard to suck nectar from those flowers.



You may not know, honey has many great benefits such as: strengthening the immune system, antioxidant, wound healing, good for the respiratory and digestive systems, beauty, memory enhancement, used in cooking... We always have honey in the house. I usually drink honey with lemon, ginger or turmeric. In addition, we also use other bee products like royal jelly and bee pollen with similar benefits and other great benefits. I am truly grateful that mother nature and the hardworking bees have created such amazing products.


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