Natural Law and Kitten Medicine


On Saturday morning I heard a very loud young cat cry, coming from up the street, and echoing around the stone walls of the old town... I went out on my balcony, leaned around the corner, and saw this tiny soul with his mouth wide open, looking extremely vulnerable to be out on his own in the middle of a partially-abandoned medieval quarter!


Not long ago, I found good homes for all four mostly-grown kits that had been born to Betty and Beniamino in the spring, and we were all enjoying our new-found calm and freedom from parenting. The Arthouse was settled into post-kitten-dom, with both adult cats sterilised and appreciating their own space - a kind of second adolescence for them.


The chaos of a 6 cat house was really something, and I've not thought for a minute about encouraging other foundlings in...

But this One arrived on the street, and hung about campaigning for a couple of days, before finding his own way in the catflap - through a few cantinas, up a ton of big stairs and past at least one aggressive adult cat - into the Arthouse kitchen.


It'd be interesting to know the statistics around How Long It Takes To Fall In Love With A Kitten.

This one was given a wee box, food and water, and a litter tray - just temporary mind you - whilst I got him photographed and got friends to get him on social media top find who'd lost him....


But his second day here he only wanted to lay curled tight on my lap, and by bedtime He was determined to sleep no-where else but on my warm neck, snuggled into my hair (!)

The Medicine of a Kitten purring, seeking Mothering, having genuine Need, is a spectacular catalyst for Love: He feels like an Alchemist and a Power from Another World. He Communicates Profoundly through His eyes, and He seems Absolutely Clear about coming to Live here with us. Even despite Betty's indignant protests.


It is Most Profound what the sudden presence of a young Kitten brings into Life - a Sense of completion, of Gift, of Life Force and Natural Law Activated.


I love learning more around Other-Worldly Consciousness and their influence on our Consciousness - and how Feline Consciousness has been interwoven inextricably into Ours over epic timescales.
Cats have always seemed Other-Dimensional or Multi-Dimensional to me - and our Symbiotic Relationship has always been very fascinating... A friend told me this morning that cats' purring has a therapeutic effect on bone density - I know from just these past few days that Kitten purring has a particular Gift; His Gratitude feels very tangible - his Calling Out of me (like a Skill-Full Whispering) of my Capacity to Nurture, Share, Accept, Heal - for Him but also for My Self and The World.


He seems like a cat of some Distinction and Wisdom: the big ears and eyes, and the regal air, and his Ability to have Navigated Here to a Right Home - and to have got in passed my own boundaries/ reluctance... all the obstacles that could have stopped him finding Home...

We're still waiting for Him to Present His name.
He seems like an Important Friend and Co-Creator already; He has been mostly sleeping in a state of Deep Re-Aligning, after his adventure of who-knows-how-many days. It's Glorious to watch Him Relax Into His Natural Self, and to Express His Character.


I've been taking Him out and about with me, to make sure He's not bothered by my other cats, until they get used to Him... He has a few new Aunties and Friends in the town.


Blessings on All - please support my Work and my Cat Family :-D

With Great Gratitude,

All Rights Reserved, None Given



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