PlantBased Snack Recipe ‘Bubur Merah Putih’ Traditional Food Indonesian


Hello everyone..
Today I'm trying to follow the #plantbased cooking challenged by @JustinParke
This time I made 'Bubur Merah Putih’ or Red White Porridge
This porridge is very famous in Indonesia as a menu in the sacred event.

Red and white porridge or Indonesian Name ‘Bubur Merah Putih’ its also called by the name of jenang sengkolo is a food that must be present during thanksgiving or safety in Java. Red and white porridge is often served when there is a newborn baby. For Javanese people, it is not a foreign thing anymore because it has become a tradition there.


There are two reasons why it is called red and white porridge, the first is that red symbolizes egg in women, while white is likened to sperm in men. When the two meet, a proud little baby will be born. Therefore it is served also in one bowl.

In addition to symbolizing the birth of a baby, red color is also a warning to mothers to always forgive their child's mistakes and white as a hope that parents always give blessing prayers to their children. Served into one, red and white porridge becomes a symbol of prayer from parents for their children to always be safe and get blessings in the world.

But in addition to the above reasons, actually the naming of this food based on its color. the color "red" is derived from raw materials in the form of Javanese sugar or brown sugar. This type of sugar produces a brownish-red color with a sweet taste. While the white color comes from rice and coconut milk are savory.

Red and white porridge is served in a single plate, bowl or leaf, so they are not separated by the place of presentation.
The distribution of porridge is also a symbol of sharing sustenance to others because it has been awarded children as a complement to life. Not forgetting to include the baby's name and prayers when porridge is distributed so that one day become a devoted and useful child.

Cooking it is very easy, requiring only a few ingredients such as:

  • 1 cup rice
  • 2 liters of water
  • Salt
  • Palm sugar
  • Coconut milk
  • Pandan leaves


How to cook:

  • Wash the rice thoroughly, then cook the rice with water until it recedes.
  • Put coconut milk, salt, and pandan leaves into the porridge, mix well.



  • Take a little porridge into a bowl as a layer of white porridge.

  • Then put palm sugar into the porridge that is still in the wok pan, stir until the porridge is brown/red.


  • Lift and pour into a bowl
  • Red and white porridge ready to serve



Author: Aswita
You can find me instagram @aswitasoe
A women obsessed planting and cooking.
See you soon!!

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