How to Make a Capsule Wardrobe | 5 Tips for Success

In this article you will learn 5 tips for success, when curating a capsule wardrobe. These 5 tips are lessons I learnt when discovering how to make a capsule wardrobe for myself.

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a small collection of pieces that coordinate well, and suit your personality and lifestyle.

The Benefits?

Keeping a capsule wardrobe has taught me that I can be content and happy with way less than I thought. I am relieved of the stressful, “What do I wear!?” phenomenon, and I have developed confidence by expressing my own personal style. In addition to clarity, it has saved me time and money that would have previously gone towards shopping.

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How to Make A Capsule Wardrobe

Schedule some time to make the change. Start with an attitude of curiosity. You do not need to donate or garbage 90% of your items on the first attempt. If you apply the 5 tips for success, you will eventually turn this experiment into a meaningful habit.

My closet has seen many changes. About 4 years ago I had mountains of jeans, t-shirts, and racks of dresses and tops. Then, I decided to try simplifying my closet.

To do this, I only kept what I would need for the next three months. I cleared off 80 hangers, and filled several big garbage bags. It took me a few days to go through each item, and then go through it again, and again…but eventually I was satisfied with my experimental wardrobe.

I’ve never gone back to that jumbled, mass of clothes. In fact, I think it’s safe to say I have successfully mastered living with a minimalist (maybe even extreme minimalist) capsule wardrobe. It didn’t take long for my husband, Jon, to notice the benefits and take the capsule wardrobe plunge, too.

Click here to see what my capsule wardrobe looks like this summer…
"Dresses and Skirts Capsule Wardrobe Ideas for One Week"

...or watch my video!

5 Tips For Success

#1. Get A New Perspective:

Take every single item out of your closet and pile it up. Include your accessories, jewelry, shoes, and outerwear. This perspective can be startling, but it’s crucial for initiating a radical closet makeover. While you’re looking at your pile, imagine you are going to go on a holiday for ONE week. You’ll pack your favourite clothes, and try to make sure everything coordinates with your favourite pairs of shoes. You pack 7 pairs of undies.

Do you see where I’m going with this? If you only do laundry once a week, then you only need enough clothes for one week. How crazy is your pile?

#2. Choose Your Favourites:

Pick up every item of clothing and decide if you actually love it or not. Try it on. Does it have stains or holes? Does it bunch up in your armpits, or sag when you walk? Does it look good when you stand still, but feel claustrophobic when you try to touch your toes or reach for something in a cupboard? Is this something you truly feel good in, and love.

#3. Set A Numerical Goal:

Having a number to aim for can be really helpful, especially if you’re limited on space. Perhaps you want to have a 50 item wardrobe, or 30, or 10. How often do you do laundry (or want to do laundry)? Do you want to have enough clothes for a week, or two weeks? Once you’ve gathered only your favourite items together, count how many t-shirts you have. How many black t-shirts do you really need for one week? How many jeans do you really need for one week? How many panties do you really need for a week? Let’s bring some logic to this decluttering party.

#4. Coordinate Everything:

This point is so important. Aim to have as many outfit combinations as possible. Most of your tops, should coordinate with most of your bottoms. If your closet is filled with items that you love, but they can’t be easily worked into an outfit, then what’s point?

Can your items be worn with your favourite shoes and accessories? Will your favourite coat look good with everything?

#5. Cultivate A Personal Style:

Knowing what your style is will help you stay grounded in your efforts. It’s possible to love and appreciate many different styles, with out owning them all. Consider your personality, your lifestyle, and who you want to be. Your personal style will change over the years. Maybe it’s time to commit to the new you.

Imagine who you want to be, and dress for the future. This does not mean you should wear yoga pants every day if you want to be more athletic in the future. But rather, imagine you are already that confident, fit person, and dress like her. Save the yoga pants for yoga class.

Shoulders back, chin up, hair toss…just kidding, I don’t have hair. What were you wearing when you imagined yourself pulling your shoulders back and lifting your chin with confidence? Was it sweat pants or something a little more fabulous?

Your personal style does not need to fit into “a box”. Call your style whatever you want. I’m not sure I have even given my style a name yet. I do, however, have a vision of an imaginary woman I want to emulate.

If you choose your favourites, and they coordinate with most of the other items in your closet, then your personal style will start to show itself to you.

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I’m not the same person I was 10 years ago, and so, neither is my style.

My Fashion Phases
  • Farm kid with hand me downs from three older brothers.
  • Rebellious teen with an “embellished” style.
  • Those pencil skirts and heels for my first serious desk job.
  • College student with an all-black dress code.
  • Hairstylist keeping up with the beauty industry trends.
  • New mom trying to find something that didn’t have breastmilk stains on it.
  • Homesteader, homemaker and mom, NOT “letting herself go”.

Of course there is more we need to consider, like the seasons, and changes in our bodies. With a capsule wardrobe it is easy to make these adjustments. My dresses and skirts won’t be as convenient when I need to wear snow pants to collect eggs when its -50C, and so, I’ll adjust when the time comes.

I hope you feel inspired to create a wardrobe that serves you well, right now.

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