Gardener Badge Airdrop!

All my plants are growing tall, and the weather is finally starting to cool down. Fruit trees, hops and hemp. 2021 will be another successful harvest. I have decided that now would be a good time to pop by the #Hive blockchain and do a #gardener badge airdrop! Hopefully you didn't forget about the badge! :) Let's do this. Harvest time is almost here. Time to start growing the #gardener badge accounts [like you dear reader]. If you do NOT have the #gardener badge skip to the end.

It has been a while since I interacted with the #gardener badge and I have given out really small amounts before: So today I decided to give EACH BADGE MEMBER 100 LOTUS! I sold some of my #dogecoin and decided to spoil all of you. After all it's the only badge I have created and it is special! [Thanks again to @bdvoter].

100 #Lotus is the perfect amount to begin blogging on

Gardener Badge Members.


Comment down below to be considered for the gardening badge if you are NOT on this list. Must have garden based blogs/content.


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