Do we-the-people have to use downvotes?

Do we-the-people have to use downvotes?

In Hive all users have the power to upvote, but also the power to downvote a post.

we-the-people automatically updates the list of his witness voters on a daily basis, and votes with 10% of Voting Power every post of the users in that list.

we-the-people has never downvote a post, but, in your opinion have to use downvote power in the future?

  • No, we-the-people must never downvote anyone

  • No, we-the-people must downvote only for some important reasons like plagiarism

  • No, we-the-people have to use his power to obtain that Hive eliminate the power of downvote

  • Yes, we-the-people must downvote following a downvote trailer

  • Yes, we-the-people must downvote based on one or more blacklist

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