Buckthorn Nunchucks Version 2.0 and other stuff

After my chain failed on my Buckthorn nunchucks, it was back to the drawing board.
By drawing board... I mean YouTube.


As it turns out, my roommate had a bunch of cord, so I watched some videos on how to string nunchucks, and set to work. The cord works really well. The movement much faster, smoother, and quieter than chain, but it was not easy to string the cord through the holes that I drilled.
When I make nunchucks in the future, I will drill the holes just a bit bigger. That should save me 30 minutes of fucking around with every conceivable object trying to lead cord around a 90 degree angle through a tube that's already jam packed with cord...

My cat friend apprehensively witnessed the whole process.


I'm slowly working on a cockatoo bird monster thingy.
It's from the same piece of wood as the nunchucks, and if I used as a club, it would smack the shit out of whatever I hit.
Actually, everything I've made so far started as a club of some sort:)


My toolbox is currently inhabited by a freaky little salamander painted by one of my friends.


Now that fall weather is here, I will have to bundle up to spend time in the garage. I know there will come a day where it's too cold to be out there, but until that day, I will keep making thingys.

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