Pre-Autumn Vologda

It often happens to me that not only bright positive periods in my life, but also difficult times are deposited in my memory. I remember well in what space I was in last fall. Then there was no money and in this regard, various difficulties arose.

But the negative period that I experienced in the middle of summer, I would not like to remember.

Although time will pass and I will also warmly remember it as a certain stage of life.

The fact is that these periods are very different from each other.

Last fall, I was just in a spiritual extreme in space.

And this summer I fell into despondency, which is sin, and to spirituality is irrelevant.

In the fall I liked my inner state, and this summer I didn’t like anything.

But even this "anything" I will still remember. Even such a life experience is very useful - after all, I learned useful lessons from it, that isn't this the main thing?

Now the time has come when I'm photographically hungry.

After all, I missed so much time without filming anything.

And now I want everything at once. I want a street, I want night courtyards, I want yellow autumn and gray graphics.

But everything will be in order or in balance.

The most important thing: I want to find a new topic for a project, even a very small one.

But this does not fall under the rule: he who seeks finds.

Everything here works as spontaneously as possible, when you don't expect it. So I want to, but I don't wait.

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