A Little Bit Of Housekeeping For The Swarm

A Little Bit Of Housekeeping For The Swarm.png

When we launched the CTP Token and CTPtalk.com we wanted our community of entrepreneurs to have a 'home' on the blockchain.

We never really policed the CTP tag, simply because we've had an awesome group of people within CTP that have never abused the tag. On top of that, low quality content was policed by the community itself and for over a year...We've had a very smooth experience.

CTP has had a very 'liberal' description of what is accepted content on CTP, but it's come to our attention that tag abuse is sadly, found it's way to the tribe.

And as we continue to grow, and attract more amazing community members, we think it's time to do a little bit of policing of the tag with the @noctp4u account.

We have begun to remove pending CTP rewards from content that has nothing to do with what CTP was designed for.

Question: What is acceptable content on CTP?

Answer: If you have a passion, and are trying to build a business around that passion...Your content is MORE than welcomed here.

The main focus is entrepreneurship, business building, affiliate marketing and crypto currency...However it's not the be all and end all.

So for example: If you are sharing pictures of food, maybe there is a much more targeted community for that on Hive.

We think, in general, the community uses the tag properly and most people here respect each token.

We hate doing this hard stance approach, but we have investors and community members to think about. We want CTP to be a place for all creators, to feel welcomed...But tag abuse has to be stopped now before it gets out of control.

If you are looking for awesome general content accepted tags....Use #neoxian or #palnet . These are fantastic communities on the blockchain where you can post whatever you wish :)

If you are curious if your content fits the bill for CTP, simply drop us a line in our Discord.

More than likely, you are good! We're not in the business of upsetting anyone, but we just feel it's time to protect the CTP community and it's token holders!

Note: The @noctp4u has minimal Hive Power, so if it downvotes content, it will only remove pending CTP rewards.


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